Groundswell Index

Published Bi-Monthly Club and distributed by email, the club Newsletter, is written by members, sharing ideas, photo’s, write up of host properties, recipes, talks and excursions.

Index for all Volumes

All Known Volumes and Issues of GSW can be found here. The Index covers up to Volume 22 Issue 1. The numbers in brackets represent (Volume-Issue) and the number beginning with p is the page No.

You can search the page by clicking CTRL+F Key, look for the search box to appear in the top right and type in what you are searching for. Once you know which Volume and Issue, take note and go to this page GROUNDSWELL to access a copy.

Password– You will need to know the password to access the file. The password is in each edition of Groundswell from Vol21,2 onwards, otherwise email to get the password.


ABC Gardening Aust. Expo (6-3) 7-9 
ABC Gardening Aust. Expo - Pete’s tips (6-3) p8, 9 
ABC Gardening Aust. Expo - Angus Stewart Tips (6-3) p19 
ABC Gardening Aust. Expo - kudjura, the bush tomato (2-3) p7, 8 
ABC Radio 612; Gardening hour, ideas for segments (9-6) p8
Abiu, note (14-3)p8
Acknowledgement & thanks (8-2)p7
A Frame; (18-5) p9
African Tree Wisteria, article (14-6) p11
Agapanthus, a thank you (7-1) p8
AGM Host Garden May 2nd (9-2) p6
Ahipa Beans (19-1) p5, (19-6) p10
Airconditioner, sustainable living (7-5) p15
Algae Killer, recipe (10-2) p9
Allen, George; article, Fruit trees for SEQ (10-2) p2-4
All purpose cleaners, homemade (7-6) p14 
Aloes, article (10-2) p8
Alison’s Garden (5-1) p8
Alroc, Nutri-Store Gold Products; a talk (8-2) p4
Alroc, new powder form (9-2) p11
Alroc No.1 mix & tick control for animals (9-1) p5
Amazing Cucumber, The; article (10-5) p9
American Hybrid Grapes (10-2) p2
American Pumpkin Pie Recipe; (18-3) p9
Amish Bread – Sour Dough; starter, recipe (11-1) p10
An Australia Day Story (19-2) p7
An Ice Surprise; article (11-3) p8
Animal Health; herbs for (11-5) p13-14
Anthracnose (13-3) p6
Ambarella (2-4) p16
Amnigro, fertiliser dilution rates (6-3) p5 
Animal self storage systems (5-3) p11 
Ants (2-5) p4
Ant Attack; article (8-1) p10
Ants, natural pest control (8-1) p10
Antipodean Astro Calendar (6-1) p7, 8 
Aphids (2-5) p4; (3-3) p9
Apple Tree - For SEQ climate (7-5) p16  Golden Dorset, Collar rot (7-5) p16 
Apples – Why Eat Them; Article, Tom Baster (15-5) p4
Apricots, drying (1-3) p4
A real Native Flavour in your Garden; article (8-1) p7-9 
Aratula Winter Harvest Festival (14-4) p7 
Arracha (14-4) p5
Arrowroot (4-3) p4,
--how to cook (9-1) p15
--how I cook; article/photos (10-3) p9
Asparagus (2-1) p3, 5; (5-4) p17
--top tip for growers (7-5) p9 
--quick tips (13-6) p12
--how to grow (10-1) p14; (10-2) p7
Assassin Bug (16-6) p11
Aquaponics (17-1) p8
--storing (7-3) p9
Australian Bush Flower Essences, article (10-4) p9
Australian Botanical Art (12-6) p8-9
Autumn in the Garden (6-2) p17
Autumn Garden, the; article (11-3) p11
Autumn Planting, article (7-2) p9
Avocado,(2-3) p6, 7

Babaco growing (7-5) p6 
Bait plants (2-5) p4
--clumping (3-4) p4-6; (6-5) p15 ; (7-2) p11
--note (14-3) p8
--Shoots, preparation of (8-1) p13
--Talk, Sept Meeting; Jean Wheatley (15-6) p5-6
--virtues of (18-6) p4
--Bunchy Top; virus disease (14-4) p14-15
--Bunch Top; help to eradicate (15-2) p10
--growing (3-6) p7, 8
Bandicoots, how to deter (12-6) p11
Bank details for payments online (12-3) p3
Barney View; Sept Host Garden directions (8-4) p10
Basella alba – malabar spinach (12-6) p9
Basket Making (5-2) p15
Baths, refresher (3-1) p14
Bath & Tile cleaner (7-6) p14
Bauhinia, spreading tree (6-3) p10
Bauers Organic Garden tour, what we learnt (8-5) p11
Bay Leaf (6-2) p5
Bean bag frogs (19-4) p4
Beans (11-3) p11  
--avoiding bean fly (8-4) p8 
--growing out of shape (8-3) p3  
--Madagascar (2-3) p5; (7-2) p7
--orange spot (7-5) p17
Beaudesert Eco Expo 2008-Ideas for: (8-2) p16
Be careful what you tread in, article (10-4) p18
Beelarong Community Centre (6-4) p5
--Colony Lure (19-5) p6
--Frighten Bugs (9-5) p10
--native, article (8-5) p13
--Bee Brains; article (11-3) p9
--in your garden, Gardening with Ross (11-1) p8
--Hotel, Lesley’s; photo (16-6) p12
--beekeepers work is never done; (18-3) p11
--Beta Vulgaris (3-1) p12-13 ; (3-2) p18
--benefits of (15-2) p8
--talk on (14-4) p-9-10
Beijing, How Sustainable (5-4) p5, 6
Bellis visit (7-4) p7
Believe it or not, Ripleys (10-1) p11
Betony (2-5) p14, 15
Bev MacFarlane - Remembrance Article (16-3) p3
Bhindi, recipe (7-1) p15
Biochar, Article pt 1, (8-3) p9; pt 2 (8-4) p5
Bi-Carbonate of Soda, cleaning use (7-6) p14
Biodegradable Plastic Bags (3-6) p12 
Bio-dynamic Agriculture (5-3) p14-16
Biogas home plant (16-3) p6-7
Bio-Weed (9-2) p11
Birds, are they telepathic? (4-2) p5, 6
Bird Feeder (19-1) p6
Birds with Sandra Gallienne (12-6) p5-6
Birty, Article Lyn Cash (21,3) p11
Biscuits, recipe (3-6) p14; (4-4) p 14-15; (7-5) p12
Bitter Melon, Momordica Charantia; article (14-1) p6
Black garlic; article (14-3) p6
Black nightshade or poisonberry (10-1) p6 
Black Radish (10-1) p14
Black Soldier Fly Bio-Pod; article (13-1) p5 ; article (8-6) p8;  larvae (18-2) p4
Blake, Tom, photo with sweet potato cluster (9-3) p11
Bleach, alternatives (3-1) p14
Blood & Bone, Richgro (6-4) p10
Blueberries (10-2) p4
Blue Hills Poultry Stud Excursion Notice (9-3) p15
Boab tree, giant (12-3) p9
Bolusanthus speciosus, African tree wisteria; article (14-6) p11
Bore water, treatment of; article (12-6) p12  ; update (14-2) p8
BOOKS  for a Review of Books CLICK HERE
Boonah Garden Club (5-3) p12-14
Borax; cleaning use (7-6) p14
Borers in Stag Horns (9-1) p16
Bore water, treatment of; update (13-1) p3
Botanical Name of Tree Spinach (9-2) p11
Bottles & Jars, recycling of (7-3) p13
Brandy, Rosella (3-2) p17 
Brassicas (11-3) p11
Brazilian Spinach, answer for problem corner (7-3) p14  ; (14-4) p4
Brazilian Guava (Psidium guineense) (10-1) p5
Bread Additives (5-6) p7, 8 
Brix Meter (refractometer) info about (15-2) p9
Broad Beans (6-2) p9  ;   (11-4) p8 ; King Parrots; article (10-5) p17-18 ; not setting fruit (8-4) p8
Broccoli, recipe (4-4) p14  ; storing (7-3) p9 ; types (18-4) p6
Broody Hens, (15-4) p5
Brugmansia, article (11-2) p13-14
Buddah’s Hand (Citrus Medica) picture of (11-2) p12 ; article, photo (13- 3) p7
Buff-banded Rail; Rallus philippensis (12-5) p6
Builder, recommendation for (7-2) p8
Bullock, Gavin; guest speaker (9-6) p3
Bug Hotel; (18-4) p5
Bungle Bungles; Liz & Brian at, article (8-3) p13
Bush Tucker
--Dianella berries (12-1) p9
--Bunya nuts, growing (3-1) p5, 6 , (9-1) p12 ; recipe (3-1) p16,17,18  ;article (14-1) p7
--Finger Lime (3-3) p14
--Gourmet (8-2) p14, 15
--Midjim Berry (2-1) p8
--Tomato, the bush (2-3) p7, 8
Butter; replacing with olive oil (12-3) p6
-- in the Garden (5-6) p17; (6-2) p10
-- plants for in SEQ (10-1) p12
--Richmond Birdwing (7-5) p11
Bush Flower Essences; article (10-5) p5

Cabbage (10-5) p16
Cabbage Moths (11-2) p9
Cacti (7-4) p10 ; (19-4) p6
Calendar, Brian Keats (6-1) p7, 8
Camping/Caravanning Loo Alternative (5-5) p5
Cane Toad (4-5) p8; (6-2) p16 ; Spawn (10-5) p19
Canistel (Pouteria campechiana) (10-2) p3 , note (14-3) p7, 8
Capers from Nasturtium Seeds (13-5) p6
Capsicum (4-2) p11
Car Jack Olive pressing (1-3) p2, 3
Car conversion to LPG Sustainable living (7-4) p6 
Carob – Tree to Pot; (18-1) p9
Card making (7-6) p16
Carroll, Lewis ; verse ; Jabberwocky (12-1) p4
Carpet, toxic chemicals (5-6) p 9
Carpet, deodorise (3-1) p13; (7-6) p14
Carraway (8-4) p13
Carrots (11-3) p11
--seed ; planting of (12-2) p8
--Pulp; uses for (14-5) p11
--storing (7-3) p9
Cassava (14-4) p4
Case Moths, article (12-4) p9
Cat Tool (22-4) p4
Caterpillars (2-5) p4 ; in Tree Ferns (9-1) p16 ; (19-2) p4
Cats; how to keep out of garden (8-3) p11 ;  Litter, usage for (5-5) p5
C.A.T. Centre of Alternative Technology (3-6) p11, 12
Cauliflowers, stunted (7-5) p16
Cayratia clematidea-slender grape (12-3) p15 
CD, Pruning Fruit Trees (3-5) 2, 3 
Cedar Creek Sch. Edible Food Garden (8-2) p13 ;  School visit, gift for (11-2) p12
Cedar, shavings (^-3) p9
Celebrant (6-5) p18
Celery, keeping crisp (7-6) p18 ; Tendercrisp; article (14-1) p3
Cera trap for fruit fly (12-2) p6
Ceramic tiles, clean (3-1) p13
Ceylon Hill Gooseberry/Rose Myrtle (Rhodomyrtus Tomentosa) (10-2) p2
Ceylon Spinach, Malabar climbing Spinach. 2012 - somewhere....check ******
Changing Suburbia, Water (3-3) p12, 13 
Charcoal; Biochar article pt 1 (8-3) p9 ; pt. 2 (8-4) p5
Charcoal, making of; article (16-4) p7
Chaya or Tree Spinach (16-1) p11
Cheese Making, Demo/information (16-5) p5-6
Cheesecake, recipe (7-6) p17
Cherry Guava (9-1) p12
Cherry of the Rio Grande (Eugenia aggregate) (10-2) p3
Chestnut, (Guyana,Malabar ,Saba) (3-2) p14; (6-4) p6 
Chestnut Sprouts, recipe (6-4) p6
Chestnut, water  (1-3) p1 ; (6-5) p7 ; (18-5) p3 
Channel-bill Cuckoo, article (7-2) p8
Chia (20-4) p7
Chicken Tips (15-1) p9, (2-2) p3-5; (3-3) p5; (3-6) p8-9; (4-1) p4-6
Chook feeder, automatic (10-1) p8
Chook Farm; pictorial (14-6) p8-9
Chooks, I’m a mother again; article/photo (14-4) p8
Chopping Board, disinfect (3-1) p13 
Chillingham Bush Tucker Excursion Notice (9-4) p13
Children’s Pages:(4-3) p10; (4-4) p9, 10; (4-5) p11, 12 - (4-6) p10; 
(5-1) p11; (5-2) P 18; - (5-3) p 19; (5-4) p18; (5-5) p17;(5-6) p19; 
(6-1) p16; (20-4) p8 ; (20-6) p8
Chilli (4-2) p 11
--freezing (6-5) p4
--Jam (3-3) p17-18
--Wine (3-3) p18; (5-2) p 17
--their uses; article (13-1) p6
--handy hint (14-1) p6
Chinese Paulownias (8-5) p14
Chinese Water Chestnuts (1-3) p1, (21-4) p6
Chives, onion & garlic (2-2) p12-13
Chocolate balls, recipe (7-6) p18
Chokos (12-2) p7
--usage (13-3) p11
--alias Chayote Etc; article (14-3) p10-11
Chopping Board, disinfect (3-1) p13 
-- Breakfast photo gallery (7-6) p4
--Gifts; quick & easy homemade (7-6) p16, (8-6) p4
--Native plants for (2-5) p17,18
-- goodies (8-6) p13 
-- Breakfast 2011 (12-1) p14
--Decorations in the 50s; (18-6) p6
Chutney, recipe (7-3) p17
Cinnamon; mention (8-6) p4
Circular beds, Jean Whitley (21-5) p7
--cleaner (19-2) p8
--pests (2-1) p8-9; (2-5) p4 
--problems (6-4) p12, (8-4) p8
--leaf problems, yellowing & curled (9-2) p11 
--which is best (9-4) p6
--preventing mould (14-6) p9
Citronella geranium (14-4) p5
Cleaners, Green (3-1) p13, 14 ; (20-6) p4
Cleaning Agents; homemade (7-6) p14
Cleaner, all purpose; recipe for (12-1) p9 
Cleaning the Driveway (7-6) p13
Climate change- consequences; article (13-2) p5
Climate Change – is it making us fatter? (16-4) p9
Cloth Nappies, modern (11-3) p6
Clove; mention (8-6) p4
CO2; plants grow better; an experiment (13-1) p5
Cobblers Peg (9-3) p10 ; (18-6) p8
Cockroaches (2-5) p 4
Coconut, recipe (3-6) p13
Coco peat (5-3) p9-10
Cocos Palm fronds, use of (8-5) p14
Codling Moth (2-5) P4-5
Coffee Beans; processing of (12-1) p12
Coffee, snail/slug repellent (3-5) p18
Coeliac Disease (3-6) 10-11 ; Coeliac, recipes for (3-6) p11
Colby-Williams, Jerry (7-4) p7
Cold Remedy, Liz Forrester (22-4) p12
Comfrey (4-2) p12, 13 ;  (14-4) p4 ; (19-3) p8
Commelina Diffusa: wandering Jew (9-3) p10
Companion Planting (2-5) p5 ; Chart (14-4) p13 ; (19-1) p10
Composting (2-5) p12-14; (3-5) p17; (5-2) 7-8 
Compost-Heap, poem (3-6) p9, 10
Compost-Herbs (5-1) p6 ; (19-3) p6
Compost-in 18 days (9-6) p5
Compost-Quiz (9-5) p10 & 15
Compost-Weeds (5-5) p16
Compost-Workshop with Ross (11-4) p11
Compost-FCX; Ged Plunkett, Summary (14-6) p3-4
Community Garden, creation of (3-1) p6-7 
Community Garden, Stanmore Bridge (4-3) p9 
Competition; tomato, largest (5-2) p5
Condy’s Crystals (2-5) p5
Contemplation, a time for; Jean Wheatley, Article (13-3) p8
Conveyor Matting, uses for (15-1) p7
Convoy to collect mulch; photos (11-4) p15
Coriander (3-1) p6-7
Cordial, lemon (2-2) p11; (7-3) p10
Cordial, Rosella (3-6) p13 
Cordylines with mealy bugs (9-1) p16
Corncobs (9-1) p12; (9-1) p16
Corn, sweet (2-4) p10 ; (6-4) p10
Corn, information on; article/photo (14-3) p13
Cough Mixture, natural (1-3) p3
Council Recliners, picture (15-3) p13
Covid Crops (20-4) p7, (20-5) p7
Cowpea, reference to, photo (7-2) p12
Cow Tails; (18-4) p11
Cow Udder Tree, uses of (9-1) p16
Creative Recycling: 
--A Scarecrow (9-3) p5
--Outside Tub Project (9-3) p6
--Truck Tyres in Thailand (9-3) p6
--Pillowcases (9-5) p16
--Plastic Milk Cartons (9-5) p16
--Cast Iron Fireplace (20-6) p4
Creeping Christian (9-3) p10
Creole Celery Root (14-4) p5
Crotalaria (14-4) p5
Crop Rotation (2-5) p5,p8,p9 
Crop Rotation explained (9-3) p7-8
Crows-v-Toads (4-5) p8
Cuckoo, channel-bill, article (7-2) p8
Cucumber seeds, how to save (11-1) p6
Cucumber (10-5) p9
Cucumber, recipe (5-3) p18
Cucurbitaceae Family, the (13-3) p5-6
Cumin; a spicy history; article (15-1) p10, (20-5) p9
Cultural Methods, pest, control of (2-5) p5 
Cundle, Peter; white oil recipe (8-4) p8
Currumbin Eco Village (3-5) p12
Custard Apple Seeds, Recycling of (7-3) p8
Custard Apple, spotty & not growing well (9-1) p16
Cuttings & seeds, article (7-4) p4
Cuttings; newsletter Invasive Plant list (8-2) p9
Cuts & abrasions, antiseptic (3-1) p14 
Cutworm (2-5) p 5
Daffodils in Brisbane; article/photo (14-5) p5
Damara sheep (7-3) p12
Dandelion (8-2) p15 ; (7-4) p15 ; (18-2) p9
Daneel’s Canadian Trip (12-4) p10 , an update (15-4) p7
Datura & Brugmansia? What‘s the difference; Article (11-2) p13-14
Davidson’s Plum (Davidsonia Pruriens) (8-1) p7-8
Davis, Ross; invitation to his garden (7-4) p12 
Decorative use for old Wine Press (7-6) p11
Deegan, Ann, Computer Services (7-1) p16 
De-seeding Tool, Rosella (3-2) p11-12 
Dianella berries (12-1) p9
--Chooks (3-6) p8-9
--Coeliac Disease (3-6) p10-11 
--Compost tea, for (3-1) p8-10 
--Fungal (2-5) p6
--Tomato (2-4) p10-15
--Plant Material (2-5) p5
--Powdery Mildew, spray for (3-1) p5
--prevention, role of fibre; article (16-5) p7
Diatomaceous Earth: (7-4) p13,  ;  (10-3) p4
Diatomaceous Earth –An Amorphous Silica; article (11-3) p12-13
Diatomaceous Earth –For Poultry (16-6) p10
Dioscorea Alata (Winged/Purple Yam) (14-4) p7-8
Diascorea discolor (15-2) p6
Disc Plough, 3 point linkage, for loan (9-3) p15
Dips, recipe (7-3) p17
Disinfectant, (7-6) p14
DIY PH Tester (9-5) p11
Djanbung Gardens (5-5) p14
Dracaena; article (13-5) p7
Drain cleaner, (7-6) p14
Dragon Fruit (20-1) p8
Driveway Cleaning (7-6) p13
Dogbane (4-4) p8
Dogs: (2-5) p 5; looking after, article (7-1) p10 ; Dog & Frog dilemma (16-3) p11
Don‟t just plant a garden, plant an environment,article (9-6) p9
Dragon Fruit:– article; Marg Arnold (13-4) p3
Dragon Fruit Farm; Orchid Nursery; Finger-Lime & Lime Farm; (13-2) p10– note (14-3) p8
Dried Fruit, dangers of (5-6) p10 
Drought:-Angels (16-4) p9
Drought-in a Heritage Garden, article (7-3) p10 
Drought-Tolerance; plants/fruit article (14-2) p4-5
Drumstick Tree (14-4) p5
Drying Plums or Apricots (1-3) p4 
Ducks (4-2) p8-9
Duck for Christmas; article, Sue Morris (16-6) p6
Duck weed, information of (8-6) p8
Dumplings, golden, recipe (7-3) p17
Durian, note (14-3) p8
Earth Dam, use of (5-4) p15
Earthling Enterprises, plants for butterflies (10-1) p12
Earthworms (5-3) p8
Easter Island, article/photos; tom Baster (15-1) p11
Eco Village, Currumbin (3-5) p12
Edibles:-Landscapes (4-2) p11
Edibles:-Water Plants (3-1) p12-13
Edibles:-groundcovers (14-4) p4
Edible:--roots (14-4) p4
Edible Weeds: -Native Hawksbeard (10-4) p20
Edible Weeds-Solanum nigrum (black nightshade) (10-1) p6
Edible Weeds-Galinsoga parviflora: yellow weed, potato weed gallant weed (11-2) p14
Editors Articles; (19-2) p3, (20-6) p3
Eggplant: (4-2) p11
--Italian heirloom (Listada di Gandia) (9-1) p12 ; (9-2) p11 
--leaves being eaten (9-2) p11
--recipe (2-1) p10-11; (5-1) p9-10 ; (7-3) p16
--storing (7-3) p9
--with borers (9-2) p11
--poached (3-1) p13 , 
--triple yolk, photo (8-5) p13,
--Wanted: easy method for shelling hard boiled eggs (9-1) p13 , (20-3) p3
--Pickled Eggs Recipe (20-3) p3
Electric vehicle so far (20-1) p4
Electric Power: some ideas; article (8-3) p8
Emailing Photo’s (6-5) p8
Environmental Footprint, article (4-3) p7-8
Esme Street Park, article (7-1) p11
Ethiopian Cabbage (20-3) p5
Evodiella Muelleri-little Evodia (12-1) p7-8
Bauers, comments article (8-5) p11 
The secret Garden, article (8-5) p15
Mudbrick Cottage Herb Farm (9-2) p10 
Blue Hills Poultry Stud (9-4) p10-12 
Chillingham Bush Tucker (9-5) p8-9
Byron Bay Weekend (10-4) p15-16
Towri Excursion Report (10-6) p4 
Towri Sheep & Cheeses (10-6) p4-5
Mt Tamborine Garden visits (11-1) p6-7 ; (11-2) p6-9
Mt Tamborine 3 small gardens Tour (11-5) p6-7
Mushroom Farm & Winery outing (11-5) p16
Rathdowney Alpaca farm & Olive Grove (12-3) p5
Redlands Indigiscape; August 4th (12-4) p8 , (12-5) p7
Robotic Dairy Tour. Article, Sue Morris (13-4) p5- 6
Stanthorpe, Report, Article (13-3) p13
Rockton, Ipswich, TSGS Garden Visit (13-4) p4-5
John Picone Orchard, information (14-2) p8 ; article (14-3) p7-8 
Prawn Farm; information (14-1) p5 ; article (14-2) p3
Picone Excursion Tyagarah; article (14-3) p7-8 ; article, My lips are sealed (14-3) p16
Robotic Dairy Visit; Article, Jean Charles (15-5) p7
Lowood - Pete's Hobby Nursery
Roma Street Gardens; (18-6) p9
Joncia Garden Visit (21:4) p5 
Progressive Lunch (21,2) p5
Loop Grower,Samford (21-6) p7


Fabric softener (7-6) p14
Fabulous mulch, Jean Whitley (21-5) p7
Farewell letter – Marg & Paul Blanchard (16-3) p2
Feast on Burleigh, invitation (5-1) p4
February & March in the garden (7-1) p7
Fences, living (4-2) p3-4
Feng Shui (6-4) p15-16
Fernandes, Vanessa; permaculture talk (14-4) p4-5
Fermentation: (15-3) p7-8 ; Presentation (15-3) p5-8 ; Experiments (16-2) p4
Fertiliser: Aminogro (6-3) p5 ; (6-4) p10 ;  Nutri-Store Gold (7-2) p14-17
Fibre, role in disease prevention, article (16-5) p7
Figs, ABC of; article (15-2) p4-5
Filter: water (6-5) p18 ; Grey Water (7-6) p6-7
Finger Lime (Citrus australasica): (3-3) p14 ; (8-1) p9 ; (9-1) p12 ; (19-5) p7
Fireweed: (3-5) p5-7 , (10-5) p13-14
Firewood, making of (7-5) p14
Fire Ants; revision of boundaries (16-1) p4-6
Fish, recipe (7-4) p17
Fitness, comment (8-6) p5
Five Minute Murder, article, Sue Morris (16-6) p6
Fleas (2-5) p5
Flies (2-5) p5, traps (20-2) p7
Flood detritus, use of (13-4) p7
Floor cleaning: (3-1) p13 ; (7-6) p14
Flora’s bits; gardening ideas etc (15-1) p12
Flora of South Africa; article (16-4) p8
Flow Forms for water treatment (7-6) p7
Flowers, growing in a pot (7-5) p9
Fly Screen Off Cuts, recycling of (7-1) p12
Food Additives: (5-6) p7-10 ; (7-1) p13 
Food for Thought: sustainable living (7-6) p18 ; an experiment, try it (13-6) p6 
Food science; (13-1) p5
Ford Electorate 20-20 Summit; article (8-2) p13
Four Bed Crop Rotation (9-3) p7- 8
Freezing, ginger & chillies (6-5) p4
Friendly Trees, picture of (8-3) p9
From the Mail Bag:
Hibiscus Society Shw; Blackall Range (10-2) p8
Arts & Garden Festival;Qld Home Garden Expo
SAFE-looking for alroc product providers
Mission Birdwing Myrtle rust warning (10-3) p6
QCGS Friendship Day
Camellias & their culture
Cacti & succulent show
Ipswich Home Gardeners Expo
Qld Home Garden Expo Nambour 
Seasons on the Mountain Mt Tamborine
Open Garden Logan Village (10-4) p8
Stanthorpe Gardenfest & Trade Fair Cultural centres Boonah & Beaudesert (10-5) p7
Gold Coast Marathon African Violet Annual Show Tropical Foliage Festival (11-1) p7
Landcare Tamborine newsletter What’s happening at Qld Council Garden Clubs
Floods affected shows at Mt Coot-tha (11-2) p11
Leafmore Garden Society Toowoomba Garden Fest
Qld Garden Expo
Maleny Garden Club
Premier’s Disaster Relief thanks for donation (11-4) p5
Qld Council of garden Clubs Stanthorpe Garden Club
Frogs: Info (6-2) p14-15 ; (8-1) p5 ; (8-2) p6 ; (8-3) p7 ; (8-4) p7 ; (8-5) p6 ; (8-6) p6 ; (18-4) p7
Frogs in Tom & Anne’s Garden; article, photo’s (11-1) p9
Frost-protection (7-4) p5 ; (19-3) p7
Frost-working with (3-3) p5-7
Fruit in my garden; pictorial (13-2) p9-10
Fruit Flies: (2-5) p5-6 ; (3-6) p10 ; (7-3) p10 ; (18-1) p5
Fruit Flies-all year control system (8-4) p12 
Fruit Flies-Tom’s fruit fly system (8-5) p5
Fruit Flies-netting (8-3) p2 ; (8-5) p7
Fruit Flies-handy hint (10-6) p3
Fruit, Liquors (3-2) p16-17
Fruit Trees: 
--Ambarella(2-4) p15-16
--Pepino (2-5) p16 
--Native Finger lime(3-3) p14
--Summer and fruit trees (article) (4-5) p14
--Growing Seed of Fleshy Fruit (6-2) p9 
--pruning (3-5) 2-3
--Jaboticaba (8-5) p9 ; (20-2) p8
--for SEQ (10-2) p2
Fruits of absenteeism, article (10-1) p9
Fumes & Perfumes (5-6) p8
Fungal diseases (2-5) p6
Fungi - leather from (20-5) p3
Fungi - Slime Mould, Dog's Vomit - (21,1)
Fungicide, recipe (10-2) p9
Furniture Polish, how to make your own (7-6) p14 ; (20-1) p8

Galangal (14-4) p4
Gallifrey-harvest; Marg Ford – photo (13-3) p6
Galinsoga parviflora/gallant soldier (11-2) p14
Games at Carbrook visit, photo (7-4) p11
Garden-A-Fair Brisbane (10-1) p6
Garden Art, photo’s (15-1) p14 ; (18-5) p7 ; (18-6) p9
Garden Beds, energy saving ways of building (7-5) p7
Garden Bonanza; (18-1) p8
Garden Clogs (3-2) p15
Garden Expo, Nambour (7-4) p15
Garden Feature of old Wine Press, photo of (7-6) p11 
Garden help/worker (15-3) p9
Garden, No Dig on Sandy Soil (4-3) p6 
Garden, open at Tweed Heads (7-4) p12
Garden plant supports in Singapore (12-6) p10
Garden Resurrection; article Jean Wheatley (16-6) p7
Garden Space, making the most of (4-3) p8 
Garden Stackable (7-4) p10
Garden Tips; (18-1) p9
Garden Tools (6-4) p18

Garden Tours/Write Up/meeting place:
May; Boyland (1-1) p1 

Sep; Bannockburn (2-5) p3
Oct; Tamborine Mt (2-5) p3-4
Nov; Mt Barney (3-1) p2-3
Dec; Xmas Party Canungra (3-1) p3

Jan; Tamborine (3-1) p3
Feb; Nth Tamborine (3-1) p3-4; (3-2) p3-4 
Mar; Canungra (3-2) p4-5
Apr; Beaudesert (3-3) p3
May; Tamborine Mt (3-3) p3-4
July; Logan Village (3-4) p3
Aug; Brommelton, AJ Bush (3-5) p4
Sep; Bamboo Down under (3-5) p4
Oct; Bannockburn (3-6) p3-4
Nov; Mt Barney Lodge (3-5) p4-5 ; (3-6) p3-4

Jan; Waterlily Acres; Sheila and Ian Tierney (4-1) p3
Feb; Rosella Ridge (4-2) p3
Mar; Cedar Creek (4-2) p4-5
Apr; North MacLean (4-4) p2-3
May; Bannockburn (4-4) p3
Jun; Tamborine Mountain (4-5) p3
Jul; Hinterland Mushroom Farm (4-5) p3 
Aug; Canungra (4-5) p3-4
Sep; Mt Barney Lodge (4-5) p4-5
Oct; Albert River L/Centre (4-6) p3
Nov; Willowvale (4-6) p3-4

Jan; North Tamborine (5-1) p3
Feb; Tamborine (5-2) p3-4
Mar; Albert River L/Centre (5-2) p4 
Apr; Cedar Creek (5-3) p3
May; Tamborine Village (5-3) p4-5 
Jun; Logan Village (5-4) p7 
Jul; Browns Plains (5-4) p3
Aug; Canungra (5-5) p3
Sep; Mt Tamborine (5-5) p4
Oct; Tamborine (5-6) p3

Jan; Kooralbyn (6-1) p3
Feb; Tamborine Village (6-2) p4
Mar; Mt Barney (6-2) p6-7 
Apr; Beaudesert (6-3) p3
May; Cedar Creek (6-3) p4
Jun; Guanaba (6-4) p3
Jul; North MacLean (6-4) p4 
Aug; Tamborine (6-5) p3
Sep; Canungra (6-5) p4-7

Jan; Esme St Mt Tamborine (7-1) p3-11
Feb; Tamb Mtn Botanical Gardens (7-2) p3
Mar; Wolffdene (7-2) p4
Apr; Logan Village (7-3) p3
May; Jimboomba (7-3) p4
Jun; Carbrook (7-4) p3
Jul; Logan Village (7-4) p5
Aug; Tamborine (7-5) p3
Sep; Willow Vale (7-5) p4
Oct; Canungra (7-6) p3

Jan; North Tamborine (8-1) p3 
Feb; North Tamborine (8-2) p3 
Mar; Tamborine (8-2) p5
Apr; Park Ridge (8-3) p3
May; Ipswich (8-3) p5 
Jun; Guanaba (8-4) p3 
Jul; Cedar Creek (8-4) p4
Aug; New Beith (8-5) p3
Sep; Mt Barney (8-5) p4 
Oct;  Cedar Creek (8-6) p3

Jan; Chandler (9-1) p3
Feb; Cedar Creek, Flesser St (9-2) p3
Mar; Heritage Park (9-2) p4
Apr (in May); Tamborine (9-3) p3
May; Cedar Creek, Plunkett Rd (9-3) p4
Jun; Cedar Creek, Cedar Creek Rd (9-4) p3-4 
Jul; Browns Plains (9-5) p7
Aug; Hillview (9-5) p3-5
Sep; Jimboomba (9-5) p6
Oct; Stockleigh (9-6) p3-4

Jan; Beechmont (10-1) p3
May; Laravale (10-2) p3
Jun; Logan Village (10-4) p12-13 
Jul; Carbrook (10-4) p14
Aug; Willowvale (10-5) p3-4 
Sep; Canungra (10-5) p4
Oct; North Mclean (10-6) p6-7

Jan; Beaudesert (11-1) p3-4
Feb; Cedar Vale (11-2) p3 
Mar; Ipswich (11-2) p4-5
Apr; Beechmont (11-3) p4
May; New Beith (11-3) p5
Jun; Heritage Park (11-4) p3 
Aug; Logan Village (11-5 p3-4 
Sep; Mount Tamborine (11-5) p5

Oct; Mt Tamborine (12-1) p3-4 
Feb; Cedar Vale (12-2) p3 
Mar; Cedar Creek (12-3) p4
May; Kingsholme (12-4) p3
Jun; Chandler (12-4) p4-5
Jul; Tamborine (12-5) p3 
Aug; Canungra (12-5) p4 
Sep; Birnam (12-6) p4-5 
Oct; Cedar Creek (12-6) p7-8

Mar; Innisplain (13-2) p13 ; (13-3) p3
Jun; Ipswich Rockton (13-4) p4-5
Jul; Chambers Flat (13-5) p3
Aug; Browns Plains (13-5) p4
Sep; Laravale (13-5) p5 ; (13-6) p3 
Oct; North Tamborine (13-5) p5 ; (13-6) p4

Mar; Tamborine Mtn (14-3) p4-6 
May; Cedar Creek (14-4) p3
Jun; Tamborine Village (14-4) p6 
Jul; Heritage Park (14-5) p3 
Aug; Logan Village (14-5) p4 
Sep; Tamborine (14-6) p2 
Oct; Cedar vale (14-6) p5

Feb; Canungra (15-2) p3
Mar; Oxenford (15-3) p4
May; Boyland (15-4) p3
Jun; Tamborine (15-4) p4
Jul;, Capalaba (15-5) p3
Aug; Greenbank (15-6) p3
Sep; Cedar Creek (15-6) p4

Feb; Cedar Grove (17-2) p3 
Mar; Cedar Creek (16-3) p5
Apr; Tamborine Hall - AGM
May; Tamborine Mountain (16-4) p3 
Jun; Ipswich (16-4) p4
Jul; Cedar Creek (16-5) p3 
Aug; Robertson (16-5) p4 
Sep; Heritage Park (16-6) p3 
Oct; Cedar Creek (16-6) p4

Jan; Tamborine Hall
Feb; Logan Village - Brother Joe - (17-2) p3
Mar; Jimboomba - Greg & Rene Porter - (17-3) p3
Apr; Tamborine Hall - AGM
May; Capalaba - Xing & Allan Tucker; (17-4) p3
Jun; Tamborine, Bronwyn Chu; (17-4) p4
Jul; Tamborine, Barley Stanley; (17-5) p3
Aug; Greenbank, Wendy Green & Bill Keon (17-5) p4
Sep; Tamborine, Hazel & Andre Brittan
Oct; Cedar Grove, Ken & Major Breiner; (17-6) p3
Nov; Tamborine Hall, Christmas Party - no write up

March; (18-3) p3
Apr;Tamborine Hall - AGM
May; (18-4) p3
June; (18-4) p4
July; (18-5) p3
Aug; (18-5) p4
Sep; (18-6) p3
Oct; (18-6) p4
Dec; Tamborine Hall -Christmas Party (18-1) p11

Mar; Witheren Community Garden, Robyn Denemeade; (19-2) p4 ; (20-6) p5
Apr; Tamborine Hall, AGM
May; Luscombe, Denise & Steve Masci (19-4) p3
Jun; Pottsville, Margaret & Sam Ford (19-4) p4
July: New Beith, Rya & Judy Green; (19-5) p4
Aug; Logan Village, Jan Glazebrook & Denis Cox; (19-5) p5
Sep; Ipswich Angela Geertsma; (19-6) p4
Oct; Capalaba, Alan & Zing Tucker; (19-6) p5
Nov;Tamborine Hall, Christmas Party (19-6) p6

Jan; Tamborine Hall, 
Feb; Victoria Point, Ann & Tom Baster (20-2) p4
Mar; Jimboomba, Greg and Rene Porter 
Apr; Tamborine Mountain, Sue Morris (20-5) p8
May; South Maclean, Jess Obersteller  (20-3) p7
Jul; Woodhill, Sandra & Doug Maultby (20-5) p9  
Aug; Kooralbyn, Rikki Bensley
Sep; Cancelled due to rain
Nov; Tamborine Hall, Christmas Party

Jan; Tamborine Hall, 
Feb; Jimboomba, Greg & Rene Porter (21,1) p4
Mar; Tamborine Village, Noelene Platten (21,3) p4
Jul; Bloomfield Homestead, Doreen Jackman (21-5) p4
Aug; Neranwood, Jeff and Debbie (21-5) p6
Sep; Logan village, Ray and Gail Caddies 20th Anniversay of TSGS (21-6) p4
Oct; Knapps Creek, Les and Mary Bensley (21-5) p5
Nov; Tamborine Hall, Christmas Party

Jan; Tamborine Hall, 
May; Tamborine, Hazel and Andre Brittain (22-4) p5
Jun; Browns Plains, Elene and Paul Schmith (22-4) p6
Nov; Tamborine Hall,  Christmas Party

Jan; Tamborine Hall, 
Feb; Jimboomba, Ria De Rouw
Nov; Tamborine Hall,  Christmas Party

Garden Update; article (11-1) p12

Gardener, the; poem, Doreen Wendt-Weir (16-4) p11

Gardenia; Rare & exotic shrub (8-3) p11

Gardens to visit, seeking (10-3) p9

Gardening Advice; 9 lessons to learn (16-6) p9

Gardening The Anomalies and Positive of (18-2) p8

Gardening, a spoof, article (8-6) p14

Gardening for Health, Dr. Mercola;article (15-4) p8-9

Gardening No Dig; (18-2) p6

Gardening Memories with Flora; Article (15-6) p7-8 

Gardening Resource & things in my garden (12-5) p5

Gardening with Ross

-Gardening with Ross; Mulch, green crop & Bees in your garden (11-1) p8

-Gardening with Ross; Leeks (11-3) p10 

-Gardening with Ross; Broad beans, potatoes (11-4) p8
Gardening with Ross; Beans & Potatoes (11-5) p8 
Gardening with Ross: Green Crop (11-1) p8, (13-1) p4
Gardening with Ross; Leeks  (11-3) p10
Gardening with Ross; Mulch (11-1) p8
Gardening with Ross; Tomatoes (9-6) p6, (10-5) p12
Gardening with Ross; Paw paws (10-4) p18, (13-5) p6
Gardening with Ross; Pineapples (13-5) p6
Garlic: (2-4) p7-8 ; (6-3) p13 ; (10-2) p7
Garlic-Black; article (14-3) p6
Garlic-Crop photo’s (6-4) p10
Garlic-Guide; soil prep, growing hints, harvest, storage (9-1) p8
Garlic-Growing Tips (7-1) p6 ; (12-2) p6
Garlic-Russian (8-6) p10
Garlic-Spray (1-2) p4
Garlic-Suppliers (7-1) p6
Geese (3-2) p9-11
Germinating gum trees (7-4) p5
Ginger: (4-4) p12-14 ; (6-3) p14 
Ginger-freezing (6-5) p4 
Ginger-growing of (8-4) p8 
Ginger-help against obesity; article (14-3) p12
Ginseng, Brahmi, Gingko &; info & benefits (15-1) p6
Glass Cleaner (7-6) p14
Glazebrook, Jan; Award; QCGC Individual Contribution by individual to community (13-2) p11-13
Global warning; growing food (13-1) p5
Glyphosate; for information & debate (16-1) p7
Goat, a story (7-3) p11
Golden Apple (2-4) p16
Gold Coast Marathon July 2008 (8-4) p9, 2009 (9-4) p2
Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica), (8-5) p14-16,  research (9-2) p5, (9-3) p10 
Gourds, mini (9-1) p12
Grape, Red Carolina (9-1) p12 
Grass (7-1) p9
Grass on bitumen driveway (8-5) p14
Grasshoppers (2-5) p6
Greenbank Show, expanded sections (10-1) p12
Green Cleaners (3-1) p13-14
Green Cover Crops for Summer (12-1) p5
Green Crop (9-5) p17
Green Day Out, article (16-3) p5
Green Harvest visit; photo (14-5) p5
Green Juice, Elene Schmith (21-5) p6
Green Manure (3-1) p10-11
Green Solutions, recipes (10-2) p9
Green Tea, benefits of (8-5) p17
Greenfest, article (8-5) p10
Grevillea, Peaches & Cream, article (12-1) p6
Grey Water – filtering of (7-6) p6-7
Goanna Another Visitor; (18-2) p4
Groundcovers; edible 1st layer (14-4) p4, taller 2nd layer (14-4) p4
Ground Preparation for New Crops, article (16-3) p9
Groundswell: -Emailing Photo’s (6-5) p8  -Self Profile Prompts (4-1) p2-3 -preferred Fonts (6-2) p7
Growing seeds from fleshy fruit (6-2) p9 
Growing Tulips, advise for (7-1) p14
Growing Flowers in a Pot (7-5) p9
Growing Vege’s in Straw Bales  (3-1) p2 ; (15-4) p6
Grumichama (Eugenia brasiliensis) (10-2) p3
Guinea Fowl (2-1) p5-7 ; (2-3) p5 ; Brave (16-1) p8
Guisaro or Brazilian guava (10-1) p5 ; (10-2) p3
Guyana Chestnut (3-2) p14 ; (6-4) p6
Guest Speakers:
2009  Gavin Bullock; (9-6) p3 ; Gavin Bullock Workshop (10-2) p4
2014 Sept, Ged Plunkett (14-6) p3-4
2014 Oct, Phil Ryan;  (14-6) p6-7
2019 Jan, Clare Bickle 
2019 Feb, Dolph Cooke - Barefoot Biochar (19-2) p8
2021 Apr, Jerry Coleby-Williams , Sustainable Gardening (21,3) p5-6
Handy hint, hot chillies (14-1) p6 
Haeley’s Chook Paradise, information/photo (15-4) p5
Handy Hints for the Holiday Season (7-6) p18 
Hand washing; hot air dryers-v-paper towels (13-2) p8
Hare, European Brown (5-6) p6 
Have you tried these? Snake gourd, Radish, Kale (10-4) p19
Hay bale of (1-3) p2 ; (3-1) p2
Health Benefits of Green Tea (8-5) p17
Healthy Gardening (5-6) p5 & 14 
Hedge, Aussie Bloomers, trouble growing (7-5) p16 ;  living fence (4-2) p3-4 
Heliothis Caterpillar (3-4) p6
Helping Hands (5-2) p8 ; A burden shared (8-1) p13 ; A thank you (8-2) p7
Hen House; (18-5) p9
Hens Need Holidays Too; (18-3) p10
Herb Garden, using old tyres (3-3) p12 
Herbs to plant in May (14-3) p14
Herbs for Animal Health (11-5) p13-14
Herbal Remedies, making of (6-3) p15 
Herb Hints & Profiles:
Herb-Basil; lemon, lime & hybrid (9-1) p7
Herb-Bay leaf (6-2) p5 
Herb-Betony (2-5) p14-15
Herb -Caraway (8-4) p13
Herb -Cardamom: Elettaris cardamomum (12-1) p13
Herb -Comfrey (4-2) p12-13 ; (9-2) p10
Herb -Coriander (3-1) p6-7
Herb -Chives, onion or garlic (2-2) p10
Herb -Chocolate Mint (9-1) p7
Herb -Citronella (6-4) p9 
Herb -Dandelion (7-4) p15 ; (8-2) p15
Herb - Dog Bane (4-4) p8
Herb -Feverfew (Tabacetum Parthenium) (11-5) p14-15 
Herb-Garlic (2-4) p7-8 ; (6-3) p13
Herb-Ginger (4-4) p12-14 ; (6-3) p14
Hippeastrums (8-5) p14
Herb Lavender (6-5) p16 ; (8-6) p4
Herb -Lemon Balm (9-4) p9-10
Herb-Lemon Grass (6-3) p9 
Herb-Lemon Myrtle (1-2) p2
Herb -Mother of all herbs (9-1) p7
Herb -Parsley (8-3) p17 ; (9-4) p9
Herb -Rosemary (6-2) p12 
Herb -Sage (8-1) p13
Herb -Schisandra Chinensis (10-1) p7
Herb-Stevia (5-5) p10-12
Herb -Tansy, or Golden Buttons (2-3) p12-13 
Herb -Turmeric (6-4) p12
Herb -Vietnamese Mint (4-3) p6
Herb -Wormwood (6-2) p5
Hog Plum (2-4) p16
Honey (4-6) p6 ; (9-1) p12 ; Pesticides (18-2) p11
Homemade Deodorant; (18-2) p10
Hibiscus frost affected (7-5) p16
Hibiscus, Native; recipes (10-1) p13
High on a Hill was a Lonely Goat Heard! Article (7-3) p11 
Highland Hijinks, article (7-1) p8
Holiday & the Vegie Garden; Sue Morris (15-6) p10
Holiday in the USA, story of (7-4) p10
Home Biogas (Methane) Plant (16-3) p6-7
Horticultural Oil, Biodegradable oil mix (10-2) p9 
How to keep the dog off my strawberries, photo (10-3) p2
How I Make Yoghurt, article by Marg Arnold (16-3) p8
Hot Box, heat ‘n’ grow (6-4) p10 ; seed sowing (7-4) p12
Hothouse, building of; article (10-3) p14
Hothouse, the busy (10-2) p7
Hot Water Bottle, recycling of (7-1) p12
Hugelkultur; a raised bed (12-3) p8 ; an update (12-4) p7
Ibeckia, climbing yam (14-4) p5
Ice Cream, recipe (3-1) p16-17
Icecream Bean (Inga Edulis) (8-3) p10-11 
Index 2013 (14-2) p9-10
Indian Fig, note (14-3) p7
Indian Limes (9-1) p12
Insect bites, relief (3-1) p14
In the Orchard (21,1)
Invasive Plant List (8-2) p9
International Year of Bio-Diversity 2010 (10-1) p11
I’m a mother again; article, chooks (14-4) p8 
Internet Sites: 
Lots of the sites given in GSW no longer exist, all those that are active as of October 2019 are listed on a seperate page  Click here
Int’l Year of Freshwater (3-5) p20-21
It’s a bug’s life, Diatomaceous Earth, article (7-4) p13
Illawarra Plum (Podocarpus elatus) (8-1) p9 
Indian Hawthorn (8-5) p14
Invasive Plant List (8-2) p9
Jabberwocky, verse by Lewis Carroll (12-1) p4
Jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora): (10-2) p2 ; article, photo (13-3) p7 ; photo, flowering branches (9-6) p7 ; it will not die, article (8-5) p9
Jackfruit (10-2) p2
Jam:-Chilli (3-3) p17-18
Jam-Fig & Rhubarb (3-2) p18 
Jam:--Rosella (3-2) p17-18 
Jam:--Tamarillo (3-4) p18
Jerusalem Artichokes: (4-2) p9 ; (4-2) p14 ; (14-4) p4
Jicama (Pachyrrhizus erosus): article/photo (10-4) p10 ;  growing of (12-5) p10
Joke (8-6) p11 ; Jokes on Jeeps, I want a Jeep; photo (13-4) p14
Joseph’s Coat moth (12-3) p15
Joys of gardening, the; article (14-2) p6
Juneau, Alaska, Glacier Gardens & rainforest (11-2) p16-17
Jumping the Garden Fence; CSIRO Report (8-6) p8
Jun, the Kombucha Alternative; (18-6) p5
Justice of the Peace (6-5) p18
Kapok Tree (20-3) p5
Kefir (15-3) p5-6
Kefir, milk; article (15-4) p7
Kale (10-4) p19
Kale, how I learned to love; article (14-6) p10
Kei Apple, first crop; article (13-3) p12
Kew Garden, a visit to (5-3) p17 
Kitchen, cooking oil disposal (5-5) p5
Koalas - Home Insurance (19-6) p7
Kohl Rabi; quick tips (13-6) p12
Kombucha (15-3) p6
Lablab Bean Seed (9-5) p17 ; article (12-1) p8
Labels for Plants; (18-2) p3
Lake, Julie; article by (8-1) p7-9
Lavender: (6-5) p16 ; reference (8-6) p4 ; not flowering (8-5) p14
Lawn grubs (2-5) p6
Lazy Gardener, summer of (3-1) p4 
Leaf curl on Rosellas & Lemons (9-1) p16
Leather from Fungi (20-5) p3
Ldli (15-3) p7
Leek: growing the old fashioned way (10-3) p13 ;  gardening with Ross (11-3) p10
Legumes, using effectively (3-5) p7 
Lemon Ironwood (1-2) p1

Lemons:  -Cordial (7-3) p10 
Lemons-Fruit fly (7-3) p10 
Lemon-Handy Hints (7-3) p10
Lemon-recipes (2-2) p11; (2-3) p14-16
Lemon-Selection & Storage (2-3) p16 
Lemon-Storing (7-3) p9
Lemon-usage of (5-5) p5-7
Lemon-wine (2-2) p11; (2-3) p13-14 
Lemon-their uses (14-6) p12-15
Lemon Myrtle (Backhousia citriodora): (1-2) p1 ; -- growing (8-1) p8-9 
--shortbread, recipe (3-3) p17 --Cheesecake, recipe (7-6) p17  
--syrup, recipe (20-3) p8
Lessons from the garden,Craig Chalquist (21-5) p8
Letter, a thank you (12-2) p2
Letter,Doreen (21-4) p4
Lettuce Tree Leaf (9-1) p1
Lettuce, quick tips; (13-6) p12
Lesley & Bees; fun article (13-5) p7
Library Annual Report for AGM 2009 (9-2) p12
Library additions: Growing from seed; Better Fruit Growing; Newsweek (9-1) p11
Library Catalogue (6-1) p9-10 ; (8-4) p14-15
Library News: (7-1) p9 ; (8-1) p11 ; (8-2) p5 ; (8-3) p6 ; (8-4) p6 ; (8-5) p8 ; (9-1) p11 ; (9-2) p12
Lilly Flax Blue (20-5)p6
Lilly Pilly, frost affected (7-5) p16
Limerick Drive, an update (12-6) p13 ; update; all that soil (13-1) p3
Linoleic Acid and Obesity, article; tom Baster (13-4) p8
Liquorice (1-1) p2
Lime: Native Finger (3-3) p14 ; recipe (5-1) p10 & (19-5) p7 ; storing (7-3) p9
Linseed Oil, suppliers (6-4) p18
Liquid Fertiliser from Weeds (5-5) p16 Liquors, Fruit (3-2) p16-17
Little Fingers, article organic pest control (7-6) p11 
Livestock:-Cow, house Pt.1 (3-4) p9-11; Pt.2 (3-5) p10-12 -Taking to Ipswich (4-5) p10 
Livestock-Ducks (4-2) p8-9
Livestock-Geese (3-2) p9-11
Livestock-Guinea Fowl (2-1) p5-7
Livestock-Poultry (2-2) p3-5 ; (3-3) p5 ; (3-6) p8-9 ; (6-1) p11-12
Livestock-self forage system for (5-3) p11 
Livestock-Sheep (5-4) p10
Livestock-Worms (2-3) p2-5
Living of the Land – a profile (6-4) p14
Loquat (10-2) p3
Lost Crops of the Incas-free internet book (9-6) p8
Lychee, not (14-3) p8
Malabar Chestnuts (19-6) p8
Maleny Botanical Gardens; photo (14-5) p2 
Mammey Sapote, note (14-3) p7
Maranta (14-4) p5
May, a time to plant (14-3) p14
Megabyte Tomatoes (19-6) p8
Mexican Tarragon (14-4) p4
Mexican Yam (14-4) p8
Momordica charantia, bitter melon; article (14-1) p6 
Moringa, drumstick tree (14-4) p5
Mortgage Lifter, tomato (14-1) p3
My garden patch, Robyn Denmeade (20-6) p3
My Lips Are Sealed; article (14-3) p16
Macadamia: -small crop (7-5) p16 ; -recipe (7-1) p15
Madagascar beans (9-1) p12 ; (2-3) p5 ; (7-2) p7
Malabar Chestnuts-Pachira insignis (12-3) p11 
Malabar Spinach-Basella alba (12-6) p9 
Malabar Spinach; Article (15-5) p5
Melicope rubra; little evodia (12-1) p7-8
Mangel Wurzel, article (10-3) p4
Marathon, gold coast July 2008 (8-4) p9
Margarine containers, recycling of (7-1) p12
Maggots; article – Poo into Protein (13-1) P5
Mark Tully’s Property, a visit to (7-3) p7 
Masci - Denise & Steve - In our Garden July 2020 (20-4) p6
Maidenhair fern, tea tips (7-2) p10
Making Firewood, newspaper (7-5) p14
Magical Mystery Garden Tour (5-3) p12-14 
Malabar Chestnut (3-2) p14 ; (6-4) p6 
Mango: recipe (2-3) p15 ;  Treatment for fungus (7-5) p16 ; Secret for a decent crop (7-5) p17 
Marek’s Disease (3-6) p8-9
Markets, dates of local (3-1) p14 ; (4-3) p11 
Marmalade; lemon & Lime (2-3) p14-15 
Mealy Bugs, getting rid of (9-1) p16
Metal Cleaner (7-6) p14
Mayonnaise, recipe (4-2) p14
Members Profiles: (See Garden Tours)
Mealy Bugs (15-2) p6
Drafting & Design (15-2) p16 ; (15-3) p13 
Commissioner for Declarations (15-2) p16 ; (15-3) p16
Members Services:
Business Cards & Brochures (7-1) p16 
Computer Training/Web Design (7-1) p16
Members’ websites: (12-4) p8 (12-4) p8 (12-4) p8
Memories of Gardening by Members:
Learning to Garden Granddad's Way; Article Cheryl Folley (13- 6) p5
A Childhood memory of Fruit Trees Sue Morris (13-6) P10-11
Of time gone by- Joy Griffin (13-4) p7
1st & 2nd Growing Experience, article; Denise James (13-4) p9
First gardening experience; Jean Wheatley (13-6) p6
Introduction to Gardening-Lesley Henry (13-5) p8
First Gardening Experience; Elene Schmith (13-6) p12
Men on the Mountain, support group (9-6) p2
Midjim Berry (2-1) p8
Midgie/Sandfly Spray (16-6) p12
Milk Kefir, article (15-4) p7
Milk, spray (4-3) p6
Milk Cartons, recycling of (7-1) p12
Milk Container, use of for poultry (8-5) p10
Mineral deficiency in your soil; article (10-6) p8
Mint, Vietnamese (4-3) p6 
Mirror/windows, cleaning (3-1) p13 
Misdiagnosis, a case of (12-3) p15
Mobile Ph, world wide emergency No. (7-3) p7
Molasses, pest control (2-5) p6; p7 
Molasses use for Poultry (16-6) p10
Molodri use for Poultry (16-6) p10
Moths (2-5) p6 , yellow tiger (20-4) p5
Morgellons Disease, article (8-3) p14
Morning after, the; article (10-3) p7
Mosquitoes: (2-5) p6 ; natural control of (8-3) p14
Moss, Nicola; Solo Art Exhibition (8-3) p16
Mount Coot-tha Botanic Garden Visit (10-4) p17
Move from Koralbyn to Nambour (7-6) p7
Mt Barney Lodge 2007 Open Garden Day (7-5) p8 ; Photo of (7-6) p8
Muesli Bars, recipe (7-1) p15
Mulch, gardening with Ross (11-1) p8 ; not all bales are created equal;article (13-5) p9
Mulberry ; growing; article (13-4) p9 ; wine (2-5) p18 ; (18-6) p8
Mum’s Apron; (18-1) p10
Mundu (Garcinia dulcis) (10-2) p3
Mung beans (1-3) p2 ; (9-2) p11
Munyeroo (9-4) p8
Mushrooms (19-4) p8
Mushroom Grower, visiting a (9-5) p12-13 ; recipe (3-4) p18 ; (7-3) p16
Musings on an English Garden; article, photo’s (10-5) p6
My non-existent productive garden; article (9-6) p7
Myrtle Rust, article (10-3) p8
Mystery plant identified (9-2) p11
Nasturtium seed; capers from (13-5) p6
Native Bee Rescue, article (8-5) p13  ; problem (18-2) p5
Native Weeds in my garden (16-2) p6
Natural Pest Control: Ants (8-1) p10 ;  Mosquitoes (8-3) p14 
Natural Products, uses for; Chart (15-1) p5
Nasty Additives (5-6) p7-10 
Native Plants: -Bunya Nuts (3-1) p5-6 -Finger Lime (3-3) p14
Hibiscus, recipes (10-1) p13
Midjim Berry (2-1) p8
Tamarind; (18-1) p7
Role of Plants in a sustainable garden Series:
A. Plants (2-2) p5-6 
B Plants (2-3) p11-12 
C Plants (2-4) p19-20 
D Plants (3-1) p11-12 
E Plants (3-2) p14-15 
F Plants (3-3) p14-15 
G Plants (3-4) p15-16 
H Plants (3-5) p19
I, J, K Plants (4-2) p8
L Plants (4-3) p4 
M Plants (4-4) p6-7 
N & O Plants (4-5) p6
P Plants (5-1) p6-7
Q, R, S Plants (5-2) p14-15
Tomato, the bush (2-3) p7-8 -For Christmas (2-5) p17-18
Nature’s Garbage Disposal, poem (4-6) p8 
Nectarines, poached (3-6) p13
Neem Oil, cold pressed, use for dogs (7-1) p10
Neighbourhood Pantry (20-4) p4
Nematodes (2-5) p6
Nest Boxes for Wildlife (4-5) p8
Nettle (10-5) p15-16 ; recipe (7-5) p12; (22-4) p12
Netting, tip for (7-1) p9
New Arrivals; lamb & goslings (11-5) p8
New residents at Nth Tamborine (12-5) p6
New Leaf #87 – Journal of Biodynamic Agriculture Australia (13- 5) p12
Newspaper:  -Logs, making of (3-1) p14  -recycling of (7-1) p12; (7-5) p14
Nicola’s Pizza base bread dough (7-5) p4
Nightshade Family – Solanaceae (4-2) p10, 11 
Nipple Egg, picture of (9-2) p7
No Dig Gardening; (18-2) p6
Norfolk Island, a profile (4-2) p6-8
Not so stinky, article (9-3) p11
NTS Products (7-2) p14-17
Nutrient Deficiencies in soils (13-5) p14
Nut trees; possible problems (12-3) p6-7
Nutri-Store Gold (7-2) p14-17 ; New Products (8-2) p4
Obesity, Rosella & Ginger help against; article (14-3) p12
October 2014 Guest Speaker, Revised article (15-1) p3-4
Office Bearers 2001 to 2021 (21-6) p8
Okra (14-4) p5
Okinawa Spinach; article (14-4) p5
Olives (2-2) p9-10
Olive Pressing (1-3) p2-3
One cat for every person in Aust, article (10-1) p9
Onion, Life cycle (3-1) p8
Onion Bags, recycling of (7-1) p12
Open Garden - Daintree Drive Logan Village Jan & Denis (9-4) p14 ; (10-4) p8 ; (13-4) p15
Open Garden Scheme Fair (12-2) p9
Open Garden Ross Davis (7-4) p12
Our Christmas Surprise; article, photo (11-1) p8
Orchard, improving health of (3-3) p8-10 
Orchard, In The (21,1)
Ormeau Garden Club Visit (19-4) p5
Orange-Tea (19-5) p6
Organic: -Compost Tea (3-1) p8-10
Organic:-Fertilizer (6-2) p12 ; (6-3) p5
Organic: -Green Manure (3-1) p10-11
Organic: -Heliothis Caterpillar, control of (3-4) p8 
Organic:-pest control, little fingers, article (7-6) p11
Organic:-Popcorn, grow your own (9-5) p14
Organic:-Powdery Mildew, treatment of (4-3) p6 
Organic:-Rhubarb Spray (3-2) p13
Organic:-Slow Release Fertilizer (3-3) p7, 8
Organic: -Slug & snail repellent (3-5) p18
Organic: -Sprays & Pest Control (1-2) p4 ; (2-5) p4-7; (6-3) p8-9 
Organic: -White Cedar (Melia azeradach) (3-3) p9
Organic: -White oil, recipe (2-5) p6 ; (6-3) p8
Organic Gardening, quote (4-6) p7 
Organic from Ross’s garden; article (10-2) p7
Organics Origami (12-3) p17
-Ausbale (5-2) p10
-DPI call centre (2-1) p9
-ESDIC (5-2) p10
-Green Harvest (4-3) p5 
-Logan & Albert Conservation Assoc (2-3) p17 
-Organic Gifts (5-1) p5
-Qld Council of Garden Clubs Inc (3-1) p15
-Sub Tropical Fruit Club of Qld (3-1) p15
-Tamborine Mountain Landcare (4-4) p6 
-Tamborine Mtn Natural History Assoc (2-3) p17
-Our Girls, an article (5-4) p12
-Outback Tour 2006 Pt.1 (6-5) p17
-Qld Council of Garden Clubs (7-1) p9
Oven cleaner (7-6) p14
Oxalis, how to kill (8-6) p5
Pachyrhizus erosus (14-4) p8
Papajuello, note (14-3) p8
Passata Day, (Italian Tradition) article Denise Masci (19-2) p5
Peanuts, high-oleic acid; article (14-3) p11-12 
Pepper Vine, note (14-3) p8
Permaculture, talk with Vanessa Fernandes (14-4) p4-5
Pigeon Pea (14-4) p5
Potatoes; diary notes (14-5) p6-7 ; cooking (14-5) p8
Predatory Insects (14-5) p10
Prunings; article (14-2) p6-7
Paint, non toxic (7-2) p9
Panchira Insignis,(sth Amer Chestnut) (6-4) p6 
Pantry pests, repel (2-5) p6
Parsley, gourmet herb (8-3) p17
Parsnips, sowing of (12-3) p10
Passionfruit: (3-5) 12-16 ; recipe (3-5) p19-20 ; fruit dropping (9-1) p16
Pasture Planting/revitalising, help required (7-5) p17 
Paul's Lobster (20-3) p4
PawPaw: (6-3) p11 -recipes (6-3) p17 ; leaves, black spots (8-5) p14 ; gardening with Ross (10-4) p18 ; (20-3) p4
Peace Star (8-6) p11
Peaches & Cream; article (11-4) p7
Peach Tree, protect from fruit fly (7-5) p16
Peach/cot, problem with (8-6) p10
Peanuts (6-5) p11 ; harvesting of (8-3) p3
Peanut & chocolate Biscuits (11-4) p12
Pear, the underrated; article (11-4) p14 ; recipes (2-2) p11-12 ; (7-3) p16 ; pies (7-3) p16
Pecans when to harvest and bug problems (9-2) p11
Permaculture Design Course Jimbour Q (10-1) p4
Permaculture Gear; how to grow tomatoes The easiest way (16-2) p9
Personal Goal Settings; article (12-3) p16
Pepino (9-1) p1 ; in pots (2-5) p16, 17
Perennial Poppies Lecture Day (4-5) p10 
Pesticide, non toxic (7-4) p13
Petty Spurge (Euphorbia peplus) article (10-2) p6
Permaculture:-Energy Efficient, Design for Living (2-2) p8-9 
Permaculture:--Environment, Changing Suburbia (3-2) p13-14 
Permaculture:--Productive Zones (2-3) p9-11
Permaculture:--Quality or Quantity, Changing Suburbia (3-4) p14-15 
Permaculture:--Sustainably Resouceful, the art of (2-4) p17-18
Permaculture:--Trees, value of (2-5) p15-16
Permaculture:--Water, changing Suburbia (3-3) p12-13
Permaculture:--Perspiration stains, removing (3-1) p14
Peruvian Ground Apple (7-1) p5
Pests:-Control of, organic (2-5) p4-7; (3-3) p9 
Pests:--Citrus (2-1) p8,9
Pests:--Device for pest control (6-5) p8
Pests:--Dogs, repel spray for (4-4) p8
Pests:--Fruit Piercing Moth (18-2) p10
Pests:--Hare, European Brown (5-6) p6
Pests:--Heliothis Caterpillar (3-4) p6-9
Pests:--Myrtle’s Tips (5-3) p7
Pests:--Snail & Slug, control of (2-5) p6,7; (3-5) p18 
Pests:--Tomato (2-4) p10-15 -Photos, emailing of (6-5) p8 
Pests:--Control of, organic (2-5) p4-7; (3-3) p9 
PH for Vegetables (13-6) p11
Phoebe with potatoes, photograph (10-5) p2
Phosphorous Acid Fungicides; article (10-2) p5-6
Gavin Bullock Workshop (10-2) p2
March visit, Cathy Nutt (10-3) p8
Yard long bean, Tom Baster (10-3) p11 
Alpaca at March meeting (10-3) p11 
Giant Prize winning Sponge Cake (10-3) p15
Photo; sample of super raffle prizes (13-1) p3
Photo; lazy birds nesting (13-2) p3
Scarecrow festival 2013; Mt Tamborine; photo’s (13-1) p6
Phytomining article, Anthony Van De Ent (21,3) p8-10
Pickling:-Limes (5-1) p10
Pickling-Olives (2-2) p10 
Pies:-Pear (7-3) p16
-Pumpkin (7-4) p17 
-Rhubarb (7-3) p16
Pigeon Pea in the orchard (8-2) p9
Phoenix Theatre, info for Social evening (7-2) p6 
Photographs; gold coast marathon 2009 (9-4) p2
Pigweed (9-4) p8
Pineapples: growing of (9-4) p4 ; article (15-1) p8-9 ; benefits of (16-6) p7
Pitaya (10-2) p4 ; flowers & fruit (11-2) p10-11
Pitomba (Eugenia luschnathiana) (10-2) p3 
Poo in protein; article (13-1) P5
Potash & your crops, article (10-3) p10 
Psidium guineense (Brazilian guava) (10-1) p5
Pizza, recipe (7-1) p16
Pizza base, recipe (7-5) p4 
Plant Profile:
- Arrowroot – Canna Edulis (4-3) p 4-5
- Backhousia – Citoidora (Sweet Verbena Tree Lemon Ironwood, Lemon Scented Myrtle) (1-2) p1 
- Bauhinia (6-3) p10
- Chinese Water Chestnuts (1-3) p1
- Ginger – Zingiber Officinale (4-4) p12-14
- Inga Edulis or Icecream Bean (8-3) p10-11
- Liquorice (1-1) p2
- Madagascar Beans (7-2) p7
- Panchira Insignis (Sth Amer. Chestnut) (Saba Nut, Malabar & Guyana Chestnut (6-4) p6
- Stevia (5-5) p10-12
- Umbrella Tree (6-1) p6
-Yacon (7-1) p5
Plant ID ; Carphalea? (9-1) p16 ; Wrightia antidysenterica (12-2) p6
Planting Guides:- Check latest Groundswell for Current guide
Plant Material, diseased (2-5) p5
Plant Mining, Article Marg Arnold (21,2) p6
Plants, Raising from Seed (3-4) p11, 12
Plastic Bags, Biodegradable (3-6) p12
Plastic Containers, remove smell (3-1) p13 
Platypus, pump (2-4) p4; (2-5) p10
Plums, drying of (1-3) p4
Plunkett Road, a profile (6-2) p5;
Plunkett Rd & Tamborine, history of (6-3) p12 
 (3-6) p9-10; 
(4-6) p8; 
(6-5) p16
--Poem/verse by Lewis Carroll (12-1) p4
--The Ugly Scarecrow (21-6) p10
Poisonous Plants (5-4) p8, 9
Pollution in homes (5-2) p5-9
Poultry, Sprouting for (16-6) p10
Popcorn, grow your own organically (9-5) p14
Poly construction (2-5) p10-11
Poinciana, problem with (8-6) p10
Portulaca Oleracea-Purslane, Munyeroo or pigweed (9-4) p8
Potassium Manganate (2-5) P5
Pots - Rustic how to make (1-3) p3
Potatoes:-General (3-6) p5-6; (4-2) p10; (6-4) p17; (11-3) p11; (11-4) p8
-Beetle (8-5) p14, (9-2) p11
-Growing (7-3) p8 
-Growing of with manure & straw (8-5) p14 
-Recipe (7-5) p13 
-Storing (7-3) p9
-Storage of (8-6) p10
-Potatoes, growing of (12-3) p10
Potato, sweet, how to plant (8-3) p11
Potatoes, sweet (16-4) p6
Potato weed (11-2) p14
Poultry Feeders, milk containers (8-5) p10
Pots, rustic (1-3) p3
Pot Holder; make a (7-6) p16
Potty, photo of sue going (11-4) p3
Potting Mixture, seed raising, homemade (3-2) p5-7 
Powdery Mildew, spray for (3-1) p5; (4-3) p6 
Preserving preserves (12-2) p8
Pritikin, recipe (3-6) p13
Privet, Landcare Solution (3-3) p4
Problem Corner: 
2007 (7-1) p12; (7-3) p14; (7-5) p16  
2008 (8-3) p3; (8-3) p11; (8-4) p8; (8-5) p14; (8-6) p10 
2009 (9-1) p16; (9-2) p11;
2012 Buddha’s hand fruits (12-5) p11
Predatory Shield Bug (20-3) p3
Progressive Brunch (8-2) p7
Progressive Lunch (22-4) p6
Propagation (3-6) p4-5 ; (4-4) p5-6
Pruning (2-2) p9; (3-5) p2-3 ; (18-4) p5
Pruning with Kaspar Schnyder (12-4) p6-7
Pruning Grapes (22-4) p10
Pumpkin: (6-3) p12-article; Carolyn Page (13-4) p10
--gramma trombone variety (20-2) p6
--organic; planting (8-4) p8 
--giant, diary of (9-1) p10
--giant, seed available (9-2) p11
--seed saving (9-2) p2
--sprouts (15-3) p11
Pumps, Platypus (2-4) p4-6; (2-5) p10
Purslane (9-3) p10 ;  (9-4) p8
Push-ups, fitness for both genders (8-6) p5
Prostate Awareness (9-1) p4
Psychotria Elata (hookers Lips) (15-1) p2
Quote: -organic Gardening is (4-6) p7
-thought provoking (8-5) p2
QCGC Award Nominations; Biennial Awards Cat.2 Jan Glazebrook (13-2) p11-13
Qld Council of Garden Clubs (7-1) p9
Qld Garden Expo; article (11-4) p6
Qld Home & Garden Expo–Nambour, article (7-4) p15 
Qld Jam Plant (Rosella- Hibiscus Sabdariffa); article (14-1) p5
Quark, butter & whey, making (7-2) p10
Quick Tips, Asparagus, kohl Rabi, lettuce (13-6) p12
Radicchio (10-5) p16
Radis Noir (black radish) (10-1) p14 , (20-6) p6
Radishes (3-1) p3-4 ;  (10-4) p19
Radium Weed (Euphorbia peplus); article (10-2) p6 Raising seedling (10-2) p7
Rainbow Chard (5-5) p15
Rain Forest Foods; article by Julie Lake (8-1) p7-9
Rainforest, planting of (5-1) p5, (7-5) p10
Raised beds, honey bees, for amino acids (13-4) p7
Rattus Rattus, caught in trap (16-5) p8
Rats, Bush -v- Rattus rattus/norvegicus (16-4) p5-6
Red Basil (14-4) p4
Red Mizuna (20-4) p3
Rollinia, note (14-3) p8
Roots, edible (14-4) p4
Rosella, help against obesity; article (14-3) p12
Recent happenings around Limerick; article (10-6) p3
--Akudjura rosti (2-3) p8,9
--Akudjura Soup (2-3) p8
--Akudjura Tapinade & Bush tomato Oil (2-3) p9
--Amethyst Nectar (fruit Punch) (8-4) p13
--American Pumpkin Pie; (18-3) p9
--Amish Bread Sour Dough starter & recipe (11-1) p10
--Arrowroot (9-1) p15
--Autumn Salad (6-2) p18
--Avocado mash (11-2) p5
--Baba Ghannooj (ganoosh) (eggplant) (2-1) p10 
--Baked Beans with Chorizo (9-6) p11
--Baking Conversions of butter to olive oil (9-3) p14
--Baked Rum Bananas with ice cream (3-5) p20
--Bamboo Shoot Recipe (8-2) p14
--Banana Blossom Fish (21,3) p10
--Banana Cake (2-4) p22; (3-6) p11
--Banana Jam (16-3) p10
--Banana Salad (21,3) p10
--Barrumundi Spring Rolls (15-5) p9
--BBQ Dukkah Prawns (9-6) p11
--Beetroot Dip (3-2) p18, (23,4) p8
--Beetroot Surprise Cake (21,1)
--Beetroot wine (3-1) p12, 13
--Best Ever Dahl (11-3) p14
--Biscuit recipe; all time great (11-5) p17
--Black bean brownies (11-5) p16
--Boiled Fruit Cake (11-5) p17
--Braised Cabbage with Bacon & Peas (7-5) p12
--Bran Muffins (5-5) p15
--Bread & Butter Pickle Cucumber (9-3) p13
--Bread Dough for Pizza Bases (7-5) p4
--Bread, Life changing Loaf (14-3) p14
--Brinjal Bartha (eggplant) (2-1) p10
--Broccoli & Lentil Soup (4-4) p14
--Brown Rice (cook another way) (15-3) p12
--Buddha’s hand preserve (12-6) p14 
--Buddah’s hand salad dressing (12-6) p14
--Buddah’s hand tea for sore throat (12-6) p14
--Cardamom Tea (12-1) p13
--Carrot & Sunflower Bread (12-3) p14
--Cauliflower & Choko Soup (12-3) p13 
--Cauliflower,potato & Chickpea Soup (12-6) p13-14
--Cherry Tomato & Sweet Chilli Jam (15-3) p12
--Cheese Bickies (8-6) p15
--Cheese Bites (4-2) p14
--Chocolate Brownies (8-6) p15
--Cheesecake, Raw Kefir (15-3) p6
--Chocolate Covered Bananas (9-2) p13
--Chocolate Muffins (5-5) p15
--Chocolate Nut Cookies (8-4) p13
--Chicken and Leek Pasta (19-4) p9
--Chicken Stir-fry (14-3) p13
--Chick Pea & Potato Patties (15-6) p9
--Chickpea, Apple and Leek Salad (21,1) p7
--Chilli Jam (3-3) p17, 18
--Chilli Jam (7-3) p16
--Chilli & Tomato dip (7-3) p17
--Chilli Sauce (19-1) p9,  (21,1) p8
--Chilli Wine (3-3) p18; (5-2) p 17
--Chocolate Balls (7-6) p18
--Choko & Fridge Leftover Surprise (9-3) p12 
--Choko Pears (9-3) p12
--Choko Baked with Tomatoes & Onion (6-3) p17 
--Choko Cake (1-2) p 3
--Choko Cake (11-1) p11
--Choko Cake (12-3) p12
--Choko in Cheese Sauce (12-3) p12
--Chokos Curried with Lentils (12-3) p12
--Choko Pasta (12-3) p12
--Choko Slice (19-3) p5
--Chokos stewed with Tamarillos (12-3) p12
--Choko strudel (21-2) p6
--Choko, Cream Soup Provencal (11-3) p14
--Choko & Ginger Fruit mince (6-1) p15
--Choko with Sour Cream & Bacon (6-3) p17 
--Choko Salad (10-2) p11
--Chokos with Thyme (10-2) p11
--Cranberry Relish (12-1) p13
--Christmas Cake (5-1) p9-10 ; (19-6) p9
--Christmas pudding (7-6) p16
--Citrus Fruits, poached (2-4) p21
--Coconut & Lemon Syrup Cake (3-6) p13 
--Coconut Milk Yoghurt (15-3) p7
--Coconut Tart (gluten free) (9-6) p12
--Couscous (7-1) p16
--Corn Muffins (11-2) p-15
--Cucumber, pickled (5-3) p 18
--Cucumber and Onion Pickles (21,1) p7
--Cucumber, spicy bread & butter (15-3) p12-13
--Crackers, Salt & Pepper (15-6) p9
--Creamed Pumpkin with Maple Syrup (9-6) p12
--Damper for Solar Oven (11-4) p13
--Danish Rye Bread – Rugbrod; (18-3) p7
--Davidson Plum Ice Cream (3-1) p16
--Easy Cup Cakes or Muffins (8-1 p14
--Easy Scones (8-1) p14
--Egg Pickled (20-3) p6
--Eggplant with Celery (5-1) p9
--Egg Plant, fermented (16-5) p9
--Eggplant & Mushroom Filo Pasties (7-3) p16
--Eggplant, stir fry (5-1) p10
--Eveon’s easy quiche (8-4) p13
--Fennel Salad (21,2) p6
--Fetta, Thyme & Olive Tart (6-5) p19
--Fermented Sweet Pickle Relish (18-2) p14
--Fig & Ginger Cake (gluten free) (8-3) p17
--Fish Soup (7-4) p17
--Flaxseed Crackers (23,4) p8
--Florence Fennel Bake (11-3) p14
--Frozen Banana Desert (8-1) p14
--Fruit Cake Easy (21,1) p7
--Fruit Lassi (8-1) p14
--Fruit Liquors (3-2) p 16, 17
--Fruit Mince Pies (5-1) p9
--Fruit Mousse (8-1) p14
--Fruity Chicken (5-6) p16
--Garlic Mustard Kimchi (16-5) p9
--Giant Prize-Winning Sponge Cake (9-1) p14
--Ginger Biscuits (16-4) p10
--Gingerbread Christmas Tree (8-6) p13
--Gingered Pear & Choko Crumble (6-3) p17
--Gingered Pear & Choko Crumble (11-1) p11
--Glusburn Fafalini (8-4) p13
--Goats Cheese and Basil Pizza (7-1) p15
--Goats Cheese Pesto (7-5) p13
--Golden Dumplings (7-3) p17
--Gramma Pie (8-3) p17
--Gratin D’Aubergines (2-1) p10, 11
--Green Pawpaw Salad with dressing (11-2) p15
--Herb Butter (9-1) p14
--Honey Ginger Bunya Nuts (3-1) p18
--Honey Muesli Bar (7-1) p15
--Hommus (23,4) p8
--Ice Cream (3-1) p16; (3-5) p20; (3-6) p14 
--Indian Bahjis (21,1) p8
--Japanese Pancakes (21,1) p8
--Jerusalem Artichokes, Boiled (4-2) p14
--Jerusalem Artichokes, Salad (4-2) p14
--Kefir Smoothie (15-3) p6
--Kimchi, garlic mustard (16-5) p9
--Kombucha (perpetual) (16-5) p9
--Kombucka (15-3) p6
--Kombucha (perpetual) (16-5) p9
--Lamb& Spinach pies (3-1) p14, 15
--Lanacoora Chilli Nuts (7-2) p19
--Lanacoora Stuffed Mushrooms (7-2) p19
--Lady Finger (bhindi) (7-1) p15
--Leckerli (biscuits) (4-4) p14, 15
--Lemon Chicken (2-3) p16
--Lemon Cream Snow (3-6) p14
--Lemon Jelly Slice (2-3) p16
--Lemon & Lime Marmalade (2-3) p14, 15; (2-4) p22 
--Lemon Myrtle Cheesecake (7-6) p17;  (9-6) p12
--Lemon Myrtle Shortbread (3-3) p17
--Lemon Polenta Cake (8-5) p16
--Lemon Saucing Pudding (2-3) p15, 16
--Lemon Sponge (2-3) p15
--Lemon Wine (2-2) p11; (2-3) p13, 14
--Lemon Thyme Drizzle Cake (14-3) p15 
--Lemon Myrtle Cheese Cake (14-5) p11 
--Lemon Myrtle Powder for cooking (14-4) p12 
--Lemon Myrtle Shortbread (14-4) p12
--Lemon Teacake; (14-6) p7
--Lentil Salad with Baby Beets & Feta (15-5) P9
--Lentil Soup, French; (15-1) p13
--Laila‟s Avocado Dip (9-6) p11
--Limes, pickled (5-1) p10
--Lime and chilli Almonds (20-5) p5
--Lime Chutney (20-5) p5
--Lime preserves (20-5) p5
--Macadamia and Lime Cake (7-1) p15
--Macadamia Melts (9-6) p12
--Madagascar Beans & Dutch Cream Potatoes (8-3) p17
--Madagascar Bean Snack (10-4) p9
--Madagascar Bean Snack (9-6) p11
--Malabar Spinach Salead (15-5) p5
--Mango Chutney (8-1) p14 ; (20-2) p8
--Mango Mousse, Ann’s (2-3) p15
--Marinade (smoker) (16-5) p9
--Mary River Tarts (8-2) p15
--Mashed Potatoes (7-5) p13
--Mayonnaise Sauce (4-2) p14
--Meringue (4-5) p13
--Milk Kefir (15-3) p5-6
--Mini Christmas Puddings (7-6) p16,  (8-6) p15 
--Mini Fruit Cake Pots (8-6) p13
--Moroccan Spice Mix (8-3) p17
--Muffins Fruit Gluten Free (20-5) p4
--Mulberry Wine (2-5) p18
--Mushroom gravy (12-1) p11
--Native Hibiscus: Base plus, Preserve, Syrup & Cordial
--Nettle Risotto (10-5) p15
--Never Fail Fruit Cake, no dairy or sugar (16-6) p11
--No Fault Pumpkin Pie (7-4) p17
--No Knead Bread (11-3) p15
--Nut & Mushroom Balls (16-4) p10
--Oaty Orange Biscuits (7-5) p12
--Olives (2-2) p10
--Orange Ice (4-5) p13 ; tea (19-5) p6
--Passionfruit Curd Butter (3-5) p19, 20
--Passionfruit Pudding (3-5) p20
--Passionfruit Sauce (3-5) p20
--Passionfruit Vanilla Slice (15-1) p12
--Paw Paw & Choko Chutney (6-3) p17
--Pavlova Summer Time (19-6) p9
--Pear Pies (7-3) p16
--Pears, poached (2-2) p11, 12
--Peter‟s Garden Salad (9-2) p13
--Pear, Ginger & Treacle Pudding (11-4) p15
--Potatoes; cooking (14-5) p8
--Power Balls (9-5) p2
--Pritikin Cake (3-6) p13
--Pizza Ideas (19-1) p7
--Pumpkin Chutney (7-3) p 17
--Pumpkin, Ham and Leek Quiche (21-4) p7
--Pumpkin Pancakes, G’dma White’s (4-2) p13, 14 
--Pumpkin Pesto Pasta (6-2) p18
--Pumpkin Pie, American (4-2) p13
--Pumpkin Salad (7-6) p17; (21-5) p9
--Pumpkin Soup (6-2) p18 ; (11-3) p16 ; spiced (18-4) p8
--Pumpkin & Carrot Soup (12-3) p13
--Pumpkin & Olive Bread (12-2) p9
--Pumpkin cake savoury/gluten/dairy free (14-4) p12
--Pumpkin, Spinach and Fetta Frittatta; (18-2) p11
--Quick Bread Recipe (8-2) p14
--Quick Mini Quiche (22-4) p12
--Radicchio & Avocado Salad (10-5) p16
--Rainbow Chard Frittata (5-5) p15
--Real Green Salad (10-5) p18
--Red Shahtoot (10-2) p3
--Replacing butter with Olive Oil (12-3) p6
--Rhubarb Coconut Cake (16-6) p12
--Rhubarb Chutney (3-2) p18
--Rhubarb & Pear Pies (7-3) p16
--Rhubarb-Ginger Relish; Prebiotic (16-6) p11
--Rhubarb Soufflé (3-2) p18, 19
--Rich Boiled Fruit Cake (5-6) p16
--Roasted chicken breast (12-1) p11
--Rosella, Apple & Yacon Dessert (11-4) p12
--Rosella Cordial (3-6) p13
--Rosella Jam (1-1) p 3; (3-2) p 17, 18
--Rosella Topping (6-2) p8
--Rosella Wine (3-2) p15, 16
--Rosemary & Pumpkin Cookies (9-2) p13
--Salt & Pepper Crackers (16-1) p8
--Sauerkraut (15-3) p7
--Savoury Apple & Rosemary Jelly (12-3) p12
--Scottish shortbread (12-1) p11
--Sidewalk Cake (3-6) p13
--Sidewalk Apple Cake (10-5) p16
--Sorrel Soup (6-5) p19
--Sour Bread; starter & loaf (16-5) p10 ; (18-3) p7
--Southern Sweet Potato Salad (9-1) p14
--Spiced Cherry Tomatoes (9-3) p13
--Spiced Red Cabbage (7-6) p17
--Spicy Red Lentils with Capers/currants (11-4) p11
--Spinach pie (easy as) (3-1) p15
--Spinach ( & Lamb) pies (3-1) p14, 15 
--Spinach, Ricotta & Bunya Filo’s (3-1) p17, 18 
--Spinach Soup with Fetta (3-1) p15, 16
--Sprout Salads (6-4) p19
--Smashed Broad Beans for Bruschetta (10- 5) p18
--Smashed Potatoes (7-5) p13
--Smoked Fish (14-4) p11
--Smoked Fish Pate (or Dip) (14-4) p11
--Smoked Spicy Nuuts (22-1) p5
--Stir-fried Chestnut Sprouts
--Strawberry Jam (7-2) p19
--Strawberry wine (2-5) p18
--Stuffing, Fruity Nut for Poultry (4-6) p9 
--Sugar Free Sweet Vinegar (9-3) p13
--Sugarless Banana Dessert/jam (9-2) p13
--Summer Fruit Bowl with Lemon Cream Snow (3-6) p14
--Summer Salads (4-6) p9
--Sushi Style Morsels (7-5) p13
--Swedish Cinnamon Cake (Kanelkaka) (15-5) p10
--Sweet Chilli Sauce/Jam (11-2) p15
--Sweet Fruits: Sugared Fruits, Fresh Fruit Dessert,- Berry Dessert (4-5) p13 
--Sweet Mustard Pickles; (18-3) p7
--Sweet Potato Bake (4-5) p13
--Tabouleh with Chickpeas Salad (7-6) p17
--Tamarillo chutney (10-2) p11
--Tamarillo, bakes in espresso cream (3-4) p17 
--Tamarillo Dessert (Nosh Up) (3-4) p17, 18 
--Tamarillo Jam (3-4) p18
--Tamarillo, poached (3-4) p17
--Tamarillo Sauce (3-4) p17
--Tamarillo, Waitangi Pudding (3-4) p18 
--Tamarillo Wine (3-3) p15
--Tasty Scone Roll (6-4) p12
--Tea, Orange Rind (19-5) p6
--Tikenik, Bulgarian Pumpkin Ross (9-3) p14
--Tomato Chutney (5-4) p11
--Tomato Quiche in herb pastry (5-1) p9
--Tomato & Red Capsicum Chutney (12-1) p12
--Tomato Sauce (8-1) p14
--Tree Spinach (Imbika) & Coconut Milk (9-1) p14
--Tulsi Tea (23-4) p9
--Vanilla Cake with Citrus Fruit in Vanilla Syrup (2-4) p 20, 21
--Vanilla slice (5-3) p18
--Vanilla & Sweet Wine Syllabub (2-4) p20, 21 
--Vanilla, White Chocolate & Almond Biscotti (2- ) p21, 22
--Vegetable Remnants (10-5) p16
--Vegetable Omelette (8-2) p14
--Vegetable Slice (7-1) p15
--Vegetables, Stuffed (5-2) p 17 
--Vegetable & Thyme Muffins (9-2) p13
--Vegetarian Mushroom Pie (3-4) 
--Walnut & coconut Biscuits (11-5) p17
--Walnut Vegetable Roast (5-2) p17 
--Water Kefir (15-3) p6
--Water Plants (4-1) p13
--Wattleseed Anzac Biscuits (3-3) p18 
--Wattleseed Ice Cream (3-6) p14 
--Winter Salad (3-4) p18
--Wombok Salad (8-6) p15
--Yacon Salad; (18-3) p6
--Yates’ Pumpkin or Squash Salad (7-6) p17
--Zapple Sauce; (18-3) p6
--Zucchini & Corn Slice (16-3) p10
--Zucchini Pancakes (3-5) p19 
--Zucchini and Parmesan Soup; (18-3) p11
--Zucchini Pickled under oil (19-6) p10
--Zucchini Pickled (21,1)
--Zucchini Pie (5-1) p9 
--Zucchini Relish (5-3) p18 
--Zucchini Soup (5-3) p18
--Zucchini Slice (8-6) p15

Recognising a Cry for Help (8-1) p13 
Recognising a Stroke (8-2) p7
Red Bopple Nut (Hicksbeachia pinnatifolia) (8-1) p9 
Reducing Cane Toads breeding in dams; article (10-6) p9
--Bottles & Jars (7-3) p13
--Calendars (4-6) p6
--Chicken Coop, A-frame (4-1) p6
--Chicken Wire (8-6) p4
--Christmas Cards into Gift Boxes (8-1) p12
--Compost Sieve (8-3) p12
--Custard Apple Seeds (7-3) p8
--Fertilizer Containers (7-1) p9
--Flyscreen off cuts (7-1) p12
--Fruit Fly Trap (3-6) p10
--Hanging onion bag (12-1) p10
--Hot water bottle (7-1) p12
--Ideas (13-3) p14; --Ideas for your garden (16-2) p5-6
--Margarine containers (7-1) p12
--Milk Cartons (6-5) p6, 13, (7-1) p12
--Molectra Products, rubber based (4-3) p11 
--Newspaper (7-1) p12; (7-5) p14;
--Old Socks (6-4) p13, 14; (6-5) p9-11
--Onion bags (7-1) p12
--Plastic bottles & caps (11-1) p4
--photo’s (13-1) P4; --note & photo (14-5) p8
--Repurposing sherry glasses (22-1) p4
--Saving Seeds (8-1) p12
--Soft Plastic (16-1) p9
--Tea bags (7-1) p12; (7-2) p9, 10
--Toilet Rolls (7-6) p13 
--Washing machine drum to brazier and lawn art (13-2) P8
Recycling & water wise tip from FLORA (14-4) p10
Recycling E-waste; article (15-1) p10
Recycling – an Epiphany (16-5) p10
Remembrance, beautiful person; article (16-3) p3
References/Recommended Reading: 
-Aluminium (4-3) p5
-Arrowroot (4-3) p5 
-Australian Native Produce (2-3) p8 
-Broad Beans (6-2) p9
-Bush Tucker: (2-3) p8;
-Butterflies (5-6) p17
-Chooks: (2-2) p5
-Cleanup Aust. (3-3) p18
-Comfrey (4-2) p13
-Crop Rotation (2-5) p9
-Currumbin Eco Village (3-5) p12
-DPI (3-5) p20, 21
-Earth Strength (3-6) p12
-Edible Landscapes (4-2) p11
-Feng Shui (6-4) p16
-Frogs (6-2) p16
-Frost (3-3) p7
-For Love of Roses (7-6) p7
-Geese (3-2) p10, 11
-Ginger (4-4) p13, 14
-Global Garden (3-4) p18, 19
-Green Harvest (7-1) p5
-Heliothis Caterpillar (3-4) p9
-Herbs: (2-3) p13; (2-5) p15; (3-1) p7; (6-3) p14; (1-1)p 3; (2-1) p9; (2-1) p9
-Life & Energy in Agriculture (7-4) p11
-Natural Paint Book, the (7-2) p9
-Mangroves to Mountains (3-4) p3
-Molectra Technologies (4-3) p11
-Pests & diseases (2-5) p7; (2-5) p20; (4-3) p6 
-Plunkett Road (6-3) p12
-Poisonous Plants (5-4) p9
-Preserving (5-1) p8
-Propagation (4-4) p5, 6
-Radishes (4-1) p4
-Seed Savers (4-2) p 11
-Snakes: (2-2) p7
-Snake Identification Guide (7-4) p9
-So Shall We Reap (7-3) p7
-Soil Additives (6-2) p11
-Soil Food (18-4) p8
-Spiders (18-3) p9
-Sprouting (5-6) p15
-Squash (2-5) p10
-Straw Bale (5-2) p10
-Sub-Tropical Fruit Club (3-5) p21
-Sustainable living & growing (4-3) p3; (4-4) p6 
-Vanilla plant (2-4) p10
-Warm Earth Magazine (4-4) p6 

-Water-efficient Garden (4-1) p7, 8
-Water Plants (4-1) p13
-Weeds (5-5) p9
-Wild Herbs of Aust. & NZ (7-4) p15
-Wildlife of Greater Brisbane (3-4) p4
-Yacon, web search for (7-1) p5
Refrigerator, eliminate smells (3-1) p13 
Refrigerator, Sustainable Living (7-3) p11
Review, before & after floods; article (13-5) p9
Rhaphiolepis, shrub mt barney (8-5) p14
Rhubarb:  -deter beetle (2-5) p6; (3-2) p12, 13; -recipes (3-2) p18, 19, (7-3) p16  -keeping fresh (7-6) p18
Riberry (Syzygium Luehmanni) (8-1) p8
Richmond Birdwing Butterfly (7-5) p11
Robertsons garden; plant ID (12-1) p6
Roma St Parklands, info for Excursion (7-2) p6
Roman Blind, give away (8-5) p16
Room Freshener (3-1) p14
Rooster, Taming the; Article, Robyn Denmeade (15-5) 8
Rooster Truce (16-1) p10
Rose Apple (9-1) p12
Roses, growing (13-4) p14
Rosella (Hibiscus Sabdariffa): (3-2) p11
-with leaf curl (9-1) p16 
-article (14-1) p5
-De-seeding Tool (3-2) p11-12
-recipes (3-2) p 15, 18; (3-6) p13; (6-2) p8
Rosie‟s weeds (9-2) p11
RSPSC, plea not to use sticky traps (9-4) p6
Ryan, Phil; October Guest Speaker (15-1) p3-4
Saba Chestnut (3-2) p14; (6-4) p6
Sage, hints for (8-1) p13
Salad Weeds (9-3) p10; (9-4) p8
Salsa Verde (3-6) p6
Salvinia Molesta, aquatic plant, article (10-2) p10
Sandpaper Fig (Ficus fraseri), note (14-3) p8 
Sansevieria; (18-2) p15
Saucepan, burnt (3-1) p13
Sauropus androgynus (sweet leaf bush); article (14- 2) p5
Scarecrow Festival 2014 , Mt Tamborine; Article/photos (14-1) p4
Scarecrow Festival 2015, Mt Tamborine; article/photo (15-1) p13
Scarecrow Festival 2020, Mt Tamborine; article/photo (20-5) p10
Sculpture, recycled material, photo of (7-3) p13
Scurvy Weed (9-3) p10
Seaweed & molasses, spray (2-5) p7
Seed Bank (3-3) p10-11 ; (6-4) p11
Seeds for survival, article (12-3) p11
Seed Germination (7-4) p5
Seed Raising Potting Mix, homemade (3-2) p5-7
Seed Raising/sowing (3-4) p11-12; (5-3) p9-10, (5-4) p4; (6-2) p9, (8-5) p12
Seed Saving (8-1) p12 ; (15-2) p7 ; article (7-6) p8 -Gumboot garden (12-5) p5 -Cucumber seeds (11-1) p6 ; (20-6) p7
Seed Savers Network (2-3) p18
Self Forage Systems for Livestock (5-3) p11 
Sentree Tree Protector (8-1) p9
Seminars (4-1) 6, 7
Septic tank (5-1) p7-9
SGA, Sustainable Gardeners Association (8-2) p9
Shrubs, 4th layer (14-4) p5
Shannon’s Mushrooms, picture (15-3) p9
Shahtoot Mulberry; (18-6) p8
Sheep: -Damara (7-3) p12 -keeping of (5-4) p10 -Wiltshire Horn, (7-3) p12
Sheep Sorrel (Herb) (17-5) p7
Shirt Collars, clean (3-1) p14
Shrubs; Murraya “mock orange” (13-2) p14
Singapore Gardens (19-4) p7
Silverbeet (3-1) p7, 8 ;  problem with (8-6) p10
Silverfish, control of (2-5) p6
Sine- that’s it (12-5) p5
Six Rainforest Plants for SEQ Gardens (8-1) p7-9
Skin Care, natural recipe (15-1) p14
Snakes, Vanessa Bull; article (14-3) p5-6
Spinach, Okinawa (14-4) p5
Slasher (20-2) p7
Slow Food Feast (8-2) p12
Slug & Snail: -don‟t like beer (9-1) p16 -recipe (10-2) p9 -control of (2-5) p6-7; (3-5) p18
Smart Housing News (7-5) p15
Smelly Shoes, deodorise (3-1) p14
Snake Gourd (10-4) p19
Snake: (2-2) p6-7 -identification guide, available from (7-4) p9 -in the Compost (8-2) p11 -hiding places (8-2) p11 -tales of 
Snippets from Science: 
--poo in protein; article (13- 1) p5
--bees & caffeine; article (13-2) p8
--Film about plant poaching (22-1) p5
--toilet paper-v-bidets; article (13-2) p8 
--The Secret Life of a Tree (22-1) p5
--Weird food Ideas (22-1) p5
-Additives (6-2) p11
-Addendum (2-2) p6
-Cold (7-4) p12
-Fertility, article (8-5) p12
-Green Manure (3-1) p10, 11
-Issues (2-1) p4; 
-mineral deficiency in (10-6) p8
-nutrients (20-5) p4
-pH; (18-2) p12
-Tip for keeping cool (7-1) p9
-Secret Life of Soils; (18-5) p5
-Soils ain‟t soils, article (9-6) p5
-Soil & Plant Nutrition, seminars (7-1) p9
-good soil grows good healthy food (13-1) p4 
Solanum Nigrum (black nightshade) (10-1) p6
-Dryer for excess produce (9-4) p7
-Cooking; article (11-4) p4-5
-Power; article by Ross Holmes (11-5) p9-10 
-power in Central London (8-5) p16
-Success; article/recipe (11-4) p13
Sore throat, remedy (8-5) p17
Sorrel, recipe (6-5) p19 
SORT Recycling, not for profit (15-1) p10
Sound the Alarm; article, Mark Tully Storm, article (8-6) p12
Soup, recipe (7-4) p17; (7-5) p12
Sour dough – Amish bread starter (11-1) p10
South American Chestnut (6-4) p6
Soya Beans, a perfect food (5-6) p14-15
Spaghetti Pumpkin, article (13-5) p10
Spicy History, a; article Cumin(15-1) p10
Spinach, recipes (3-1) p14-16 
Spinach Tree Leaf (9-1) p12
Spring Garden, poem (21,1) p10
Spring Gardening (6-4) p10 
Springtime on the Mountain; Garden Trail (11-5) p11-12
Sprouting: (5-6) p15; (6-4) p7,  Mung Beans, how to (1-3) P2
Sprouts, pumpkin (15-3) p11
Squash, summer (3-5) p 7-10S (cont)
Squash or Pumpkin?; article Marg Arnold (13-6) p9
Stackable Garden, article (7-4) p10
Stag Horns, borers in (9-1) p16
Stand-by, sustainable living (7-5) p15
Stanley Garden, the; Article on visit (13-4) p3 
Stanthorpe Excursion, Report; Bev MacFarlane (13-3) p13
Star Apple (Chrysophyllum cainito) (10-2) p3
Star Pickets, removal of (6-4) p11
Stevia, sweetener, use of (5-5) p10-12
St Erth garden visit, article (14-3) p9-10
Stinking Roger, article, not so stinky (9-3) p11
Story on Tony and Denise James's  place (22-4) p7
Story on our garden,Elene schmith(22-4) p10
Straw Bale Technology (5-5) p13
Strawberry:  -most popular berry fruit (9-5) p14 ; -wine (2-5) p18 ; -Zdana variety (5-5) p8 
Striking cutting (7-4) p4
Suburban to urban landscape, article (7-1) p8
Sugar Apple, note (14-3) p8
Super grub, Heliothis caterpillar (3-4) p6-9 
Summer of the Beans (& more); article (11-1) p13
Summer Carbs; (18-1) p3
Sun Dried, Tomatoes (1-3) p3 
Suncoya, note (14-3) p8
Suprise Visitors, article Doreen Wendt-Weir (21,3) p6
Sustainable Gardens in the 40's (19-5) p3
Suzy Noble Photos of Flowers (19-4) p10
Sustainable Gardening Experience; article (13-6) p7
-Good Old Day, the (6-4) p14 
-Parenthood (6-5) p14
-Food Additives (7-1) p13 
-lets talk bamboo (7-2) p11-p13; p17 
-is your fridge ridge dige (7-3) p11
-convert your car to lpg (7-4) p6
-don't be an air head about aircon, don't standby (7-5) p15 
-food for thought, washing machine (7-6) 16
-edible food garden (8-2) p13
-soil fertility (8-5) p12
-Shannon's tips - pet fur & lavender stalks recycling (8-6) p4
-Issues in the Scenic Rim; article (11-4) p10
-cloth nappies; article (11-3) p6 
-views on sustainability Jo Smith & Linda Deseck (11-5) p10
Sweet corn (2-4) p10 ; (6-4) p10
Sweet Leaf Bush, (Sauropus androgynus); article (14-2) p5 ; (15-3) p11
Sweet life, the; article (14-2) p7
Sweet Peas, planting time (6-2) p5
Sweet Potatoes: (6-4) p10 ; (11-3) p11 ; (14-4) p4 ; (16-4) p6 ; -holes in leaves (9-2) p11 ; -question: how to plant? (8-3) p11 ; -article; Denis Cox (13-3) p8
Sweet Verbena Tree (1-2) p1
Swimming pool, decommissioning of (10-3) p12
A thank you to the TSGS family (11-2) p17
Tabouleh, recipe (7-6) p17
Tamarind; (18-1) p7
Tamarillo: (3-3) p15 ; (3-4) p12-14 ; (3-4) p17, 18 ; propagation of (8-6) p10-11
Tamborine Mtn State High School, a visit (6-5) p6 ; Food Club (7-3) p5
Tamborine Mt Scarecrow Festival; TSGS entry (11-5) p12 ; article (14-1) p4
Tamborine School Market, a visit; article (15-4) p6
Tanacetum parthenium (feverfew) (11-5) p14-15 
Taro (14-4) p4
Tom’s Edible Weeds; article (11-2) p14 
Tomato (4-2) p10-11 ; (11-3) p11 ; (19-1) p4
-Bullocks Heart or Ox Heart (19-1) p4
-The experiment (10-5) p12
-Gardening with Ross; Tomatoes (9-6) p6, (10-5) p12
-hot house (9-5) p17
-Jaune Flamme (19-1) p4
-sun dried (1-3) p3
-the bush (2-3) p7, 8
-pests & problems (2-4) p10-14 
-Megabyte variety (19-6) p8
-Mortgage Lifter; article/photos (14-1) p3 ; (19-1) p4
-Roma (19-1) p4
-Scorpio (19-2) p4

Tanks (2-4) p2-4; (6-5) p6
Tansy (2-3) p12, 13
Tartrazine, yellow menace (5-6) p9, 10
Tatsoi (3-5) p18; (6-4) p10
Orange Rind; (19-5) p6
Tea Bag, recycling of (7-1) p12; (7-2) p9, 10
Tea Towels, clean (3-1) p14
Television Screen, clean (3-1) p13
Termites (5-2) p5, 7
Tetanus (5-6) p5
Theil, Ron & Gaye, our move (7-6) p6
Tick:  Control (9-1) p5 ; removal of (8-6) p5; p10
Tips for netting (7-1) p9
Toads, reducing breeding in dams (10-6) p9
Toilet, cleaning (3-1) p13, cleaner (7-6) p14
Toilet Rolls, recycling of (7-6) p13
-Review - Electric Mulcher (19-6) p3
-Sharpening (8-2) p3
Toothache, Plant  (21,1) p9
Toothpaste, making of (3-1) p14
Tradesman wanted (7-2) p8
Trade Table (4-1) p9, 10 ; why we love it (7-5) p5
Travelling Vegie Garden; (18-2) p12
Tree Ferns, caterpillars in (9-1) p16
Tree Protectors (8-1) p9; (8-5) p17
Trees & vines, 5th layer (14-4) p5
Tree Wisteria, seedlings available (16-1) p3
Tree Spinach (Chaya), article, is there cyanide in (9-2) p7 ; (16-1) p11
Tri Nature, cleaning products (6-4) p3
Trip around Oz, (10-2) p9
TSGS History, article (11-4) p9 
TSGS, Formation of (11-4) p10 
TSGS, Nomination form (5-2) p19
TSGS, Groundswell Self Profile Prompts (4-1) p2, 3
Annual President Report 
2001 (1-3) p4 - Peter van Velzen
2002  (2-3) p2 -Peter van Velzen
2003  (3-3) p2 -Peter van Velzen
2004 (4-3) p2 - Liz Forrester
2005 (5-3) p2 - Liz Forrester
2006 (5-3) p2 - Liz Forrester
2007 (7-3) p2 - Liz Forrester
2008 (8-3) p2 - Jo Smith
2009 (9-3) p2 - Jo Smith
2010 (10-3) p2 - Rob Szwedzinski
2011 (11-3) p3 - Rob Szwedzinski
2012 (12-3) p2 - Rob Szwedzinski
2012 (12-6) p2-3 - Rob Szwedzinski - Who does what? Letter
2013 (13-3) p2 - Denise James
2014 (14-3) p3 - Denise James
2015 (15-3) p3 - Wendy Emerson
2016 (16-3) p4 - Elene Schmith
2017 (17-3) p2 - Elene Schmith
2018 (18-2) p10 - Tom Baster 
2019 (19-1) p3, (19-2) p3, (19-4) p5, (19-5) p3, (19-6) p3 - Tom Baster 
2020 (20-1) p3, (20-1) p3, (20-3) p3, (20-4) p3, (20-5) p3 - Tom Baster
2021 (21,1) p3 - Alan Tucker
2022 (22,1) p3 - Alan Tucker
2023 (23,1) p3 - Lesley Henry

Committee Members
2002 - (2-3) p1
2003 - (2-3) p1
2004 - (4-3) p1
2005 - (5-3) p1
2006 - (6-3) p1
2007 - (7-3) p1
2008 - (8-3) p1
2009 - (9-3) p1
2010 - (10-3) p1
2011 - (11-3) p1
2012 - (12-3) p1 
2013 - (13-3) p1
2014 - (14-3) p1
2015 - (15-3) p3 
2016 - (16-3) p4
2017 - (17-3) p1
2018 - (18-3) p1
2019 - (19-3) p1
2020 - (20,1) p2
2021 - (21,1) p2
2022 - (22,1) p2
2023-  (23,1) p2

Minutes: See seperate pages click here
TSGS Excursions/Events:
2001-Simply Natural organic Farm (1-2) p 1
2004-Springtime on the Mtn Festival (4-5) p12
2004-Sunshine Coast (4-4) p4
2005-Djanbung Gardens (5-5) p14
2005-Northey St City Farm/ Charteris Garden (5-3) p7, 8 - 
2006-Beelarong & Indigiscape (6-4) p 5; (6-5) p5
2006-Byron Bay (6-5) p10
2006-Progressive Lunch (6-4) p16; (6-5) p12
2007-Bellis, article(7-4) p7
2007-Christmas Party, date for the diary (7-5) p9 - Breakfast Photo Gallery (7-6) p4
2007-Roma St Parklands& Herb Show article(7-3) p6
2007-Trip to Kenilworth (7-6) p9
2007-Tully, Mark, a visit to his property (7-3) p7
2008-Beaudesert Eco Expo (8,2) p16
2008-Biodynamic Farm @Beechmont (8,2) p17
2009 Christmas Breakfast (9-6) p2
2010-Host Gardens for 2010 (9-5) p2
2013-Stanthorpe Excursion, Report; Bev MacFarlane (13-3) p13
2017-Awassi Cheesery (19-5) p8
2018-Christmas Parties; (18-1) p11
2018-Turmeric Farm; (18-3) p3
2020-Progressive Lunch (20-2) p5
Tulips, growing from seed, advice for(7-1) p14 
Turkey, bush; deterrent (8-5) p14
Turmeric (6-4) p12 ; article (10-5) p11-12 ; rotation of (14-4) p2 ; (19-5) p7
Twenty-Twenty Summit (8-2) p13
Tyre Garden (3-3) p12
Upcoming Events:
-Annual Australian Plants Autumn Sale (9-2) p8 
-Bird Week, Mt Barney Lodge (9-1) p13; (9-2) p8; (9-3) p15;
-Colin Campbell‟s Book Launch (9-4) p13
-Fashion & Flowers (9-4) p13 
-Gardening Aust. Expo (9-1) p13
-Open Garden, Logan Village (9-4) p14
-Rose Show (9-3) p15
Upside down garden; article photo’s (11-1) p7
Umbrella tree (6-1) p6 
Unnatural Selection, article; (15-2) p7
Useful contacts (2-2) p12 
Useful Weeds (4-6) p5
USA, holiday in (7-4) p10
Vale to Members
Bev MacFarlane (16-3) p3
Peter Ahmat (16-2) p9 
Rob Szwedzinski (16-2) p9
Vanessa Bull on Snakes (14-3) p5-6 
Vanilla Bean, note (14-3) p8
Velvet Apple, note (14-3) p8
Vetiver Grass (14-4) p4
Valley of the Mist; a possible excursion? (7-6) p15
Variegated Toad Lily (9-2) p11
VCR; request for repair/service of (7-4) p17
Vanilla Bean & Plant (Vanilla flagons syn. v. planifolia) (2-4) p9,10
Vanilla, recipes (2-4) p20-22 
-Growing on Bale of Hay (1-3) p2
-Recipe (3-4) p18; (5-2) p17
-Storing (7-3) p9

-Planting Guide; Oct, Nov, Dec (9-5) p12; Dec–Feb (9-6) p10
-oddities; (18-5) p9
Vertical Garden, idea for small spaces (8-4) p10 ; herb (18-3) p8
Vetiver Grass (8-5) p14
Vietnamese Mint (4-3) p6
Vinegar, cleaning use (7-6) p14
Volunteering a Kooralbyn; article (12-1) p7
Wild Flowers of Western Qld, photos (16-6) p5
Water Leaf Spinach (14-4) p4
White Turmeric, note (14-3) p8
Wicking Boxes; article & photo’s (14-5 p9 ; (20-1)p6 ; (20-4) p5
Winged Yam/purple yam (Dioscorea alata) (14-4) p7- 8
Walnuts, recipe (5-2 ) p 17
Walnut Tree, mouldy fallen fruit (7-5) p16
Warm Box, using a (7-2) p10
Wandering Jew (9-3) p10Waste Recycling System (3-2) p8, 9
Wanted: easy method for shelling hard boiled eggs (9-1) p13
Washing Machine Sustainable living (7-6) p16
Washing Powder (7-6) p14
Wattle seed, recipe (3-3) p18; (3-6) p14
-Changing Suburbia (3-3) p12, 13 
-Grey water, filtering (7-6) p6,7
-Filter (6-5) p18
-Tank Level Gauge (4-5) p5
-Tanks, free (6-5) p6
-Saving tips (7-2) p11
Water Chestnuts (Chestnut-Eleocharis dulcis) (3-2) p14; (6-4) p6; (6-5) p7; (7-2) p12 ; (19-1) p5
-mosquito problem (8-6) p10
-article(12-5) p9 
Water plants, edible (12-2) p9-10
Weather forecast; March 2012 (12-2) p7
Where’s my duck-dammit, article (12-5) p6
Watermelon: (2-5) P7
-photo of (10-1) p9
-square – believe it or not (10-5) p19
Water Plants, Edible (4-1) p12, 13
Water wise (2-4) p2-4
Water, pump (2-4) p4-6; (2-5) p10
Wattles; (18-4) p9
Website Review:
-Cane Toads (4-1) p8, 9
-Cleanup Aust. Day (3-3) p18, 19
-Daleys Fruit (4-3) p5
-DPI: Int’l Year of Freshwater (3-5) p20, 21
-Earth Strength (3-6) p12
-Global Garden (3-4) p18, 19
-Organic (4-2) p13
-Weeds (2-5) p7; (4-6) p5; (5-4) p15; (5-5) p9; (5-5) p16 
-Weewalk Bush Food Tour (3-3) p4, 5
-White Cedar (Melia azeradach) (3-3) p9
-Wildflower Weekend, Review (3-5) p4, 5
-Wildlife, a surprise (4-5) p9 
-Websites of Interest; (18-2) p15
We are like one big family; extract article (11-1) p4 
Weeds in the south east, article (8-6) p7
Weeds, more of (8-6) p8
Weeds, The Wild Wisdom of; Book Revue (15-5) p6
Wicking Beds (20-1) p6
-Beetroot (3-1) p12, 13
-Chilli (3-3) p18; (5-2) p 17 
-Lemon (2-2) p11; (2-3) p13l,14 
-Mulberry (2-5) p18
-Rosella (3-2) p15, 16 
-Strawberry (2-5) p18 
-Tamarillo (3-3) p15
Western Australian Wild Flowers; article (10-5) p10 
White Sapote (Casimiroa edulis) (10-2) p3 
Wood Ash; (18-4) p9
Wwoofing Experience, A; article (10-5) p8-9
Wwoof!, article/photo’s (10-4) p5-6
Wormy Little Caterpillars; (18-3) p5
Whey (7-2) p10
What is Sustainability? Write an article (11-4) p6 
White Oil Recipe; Peter Cundle’s (8-4) p8
Wild Cucumber (9-1) p16
Wildlife, please don‟t hurt the (9-4) p6
Wildlife Festival & Workshops (7-6) p15 
Wiltshire Horn Sheep (7-3) p12
Wild herbs or eating weeds, article (8-2) p15
Willy Peppers (11-3) p16
Window & Glass cleaner (7-6) p14
Wine Making at home; John King (7-6) p10, 11 
Wine Press; decorative uses of (7-6) p11
Winter & Cold Soil (7-4) p12
Winter Herbs (19-3) p6
Wom Boks, not hearting up (9-1) p16
Women in War;article by D. Wendt-Weir (15-2) p11-15
Wood Staining Creatively (7-2) p9
Wood Ash, use of in Gardens (4-5) p6-8 
Wood Staining Creatively (7-2) p9
Workshop - Shabari Bird  (13-5) p12
Working Bee, Kenyon's thanks (8-1) p3
Worm Mansion from a dustbin (6-2) p17 
Worms (2-3) p2-5
Worm Farm wanted (8-2) p17
Wormwood (6-2) p5
Yacon (14-4) p5 ; (18-3) p5
Yandina community gardens; photo (14-5) p9 
Yeast in Gardening; article (14-4) p10
Yacon, growing (7-1) p5
Yam Bean (10-4) p10
Yates garden notes (7-1) p7, 9
Year of the frog:
Jan & Feb (8-1) p5 
Mar & Apr (8-2) p6 
May & Jun (8-3) p7 
Jul & Aug (8-4) p7 
Sept & Oct (8-5) p6 
Nov & Dec (8-6) p6
Yellow weed (11-2) p14
Zapple Sauce Recipe; (18-3) p6
Zucchini, spray for mildew (7-5) p17
Zucchini, recipe (3-5) p19; (5-1) P9; (18-3) p11
End of the Index at last!