
The Address for the meeting is printed on the front page of the club newsletter Groundswell and also emailed out to members one week prior to the meeting.


Last Saturday of the Month except for December when there is no meeting.

Start 8.30am – Finish around 11.30am


Hat and/or umbrella, a chair, a mug

Something for morning tea – Please include an ingredient list of homemade items to go on the morning tea table, we have members with allergies.

Tea, coffee and milk will be available.

Giveaway items are also welcome – but please minimise handling anything that you are not going to take home. Any items you bring that are left at the end of the meeting please take them home.

On arrival

Signed into the attendance book at the Treasurer’s table

Find and put on your Name Badge.


Raffle tickets are $1 each from the Treasurer’s table.

Bring correct money to minimise the handling of notes and coins.

Excess Produce Box

Donate a bit of your excess produce all funds go to the club, or buy some for a gold coin donation.


Open to all members bring a table to put your items on, signs or labels with prices and a container to take payment.